This Page Last Updated: January 1, 2017

I love ME -- now and always, all of me.  I am compassionate to myself.  I celebrate myself and I am joyful.

I respect and trust myself, I can confide in myself.  I am deserving.

The qualities in others that annoy, anger and depress or encourage, please and delight me are only mirrors of those same qualities in me.

I am cooperative, not competitive; I am innately strong, not weak; I am creative, not destructive; I am encouraging, not discouraging; I am of good intent, not evil; I am sacred, not scared; my worldview is love, not fear.

Nothing about us is predestined, period.  The various predispositions we might have guide us in this life.

There are no accidents, "shit" does not just happen.

I can otherwise change "my stars" -- my supposed inviolate destiny -- if I so choose to.

All is One, and All is Blessed.  We are All One, and We are All Blessed.

All those around me have God inside and around them also, they come from the same One Creative Source, and together we can make things happen because we are One Soul operating as many parts to create and explore.

I am part of/linked to God, the Source Field, Divine Consciousness, All That Is, the Cosmos Itself.  And I am able to access that energy, that balance and that benevolence without fear.  I AM.

Any gods we can conceive of are still beneath our own greater miraculous capabilities.

What I believe, I achieve and bring into my life.

My body is smart enough and has enough integrity to safely handle reasonable amounts of any ingredient or food.

Indeed, health is less about nutrition, hygiene, exercise, surroundings, circumstances, or birth than it is about my attitudes and beliefs.

"All of the body is in the mind, but not all of the mind is in the body."

I am multi-dimensional, especially when I am asleep and dreaming.  By way of my various minds and frames of reference, I am in contact and am communicating via personally meaningful symbols with my larger self, for whom I am its physical voice and representative.

My emotions, enthusiasms, beliefs, assumptions, obsessions, desires, expectations, and fears direct my physical life -- which is a reflection of all of me.

Other than an obvious physical body lack, any physical condition can be temporary.

I am neither any clinical nor any unnamed medical condition I may have or ever have had.

I am NOT an accident, a fluke, a victim, a target, or a mistake.

I did not have "Original Sin" and I cannot be eternally punished.

I am NOT and have NEVER been cursed, damned, condemned, crazy, damaged, unclean, ugly, undeserving, or unworthy.

I am going against much of what I was taught to think and feel because the ones before me did not remember how it all is.  I release the old.  I am not guilty and I have no doubts.

I am in charge of me.  I am healed.

I was born into a beautiful state of grace and I will remain there all my life, even if I ignore it or feel out of it.

Epigenetics does have more influence over me than my heredity -- I have some degree of power over my biology, my biography is my biology, and I have no reason to be ashamed of the body that my consciousness is continually creating.

I chose to be born, grow up, and live in this particular time, generation and location, each with its own inherent challenges and potentials.

However, it does not matter how or at what age my parents, my siblings, classmates or other members of my generation, neighborhood or occupation age, get sick, or die: I choose my own path, I do have Free Will and Agency.

Germ Theory is only a very strong suggestion of how cellular life works, not a certain fact which cannot be changed.

Virtually all of what I read and hear in the papers, online, TV or radio is not directly in my own personal world.

Each of us is so much more than what society allows us to recognize as us or can even define, much more aware of and creative with a larger awareness of our reality than society acknowledges or imagines.

We live in a safe and loving dynamic universe and we create our own reality.  I am innately protected, creative and loving.

No part of me or my mind is truly hidden, unknowable, inaccessible, or forbidden.

I am my own ultimate authority -- but I can designate subcontractors, usually from the traditional religious, political, academic, healthcare, or other authority figures.  I remember, however, that each of these subcontractors view and manipulate their stories to their own best interests.

I forgive myself for lapses when I miss my ideal targets -- to "sin" means only to "miss the target."  The lapses were all lessons to be learned and moved on from.  Similarly, I forgive others.

Any drama that is in my life is there because I choose to allow those excited energies to play out in one or more of my relationships.

I acknowledge the validity of every one of my experiences, whether or not they are approved of, recognized or defined by society.

Virtually anything at any time in my life can be changed or made peace with now.

The Hypothesis
Commentary  + Notes

© 2016-2017 by Robert J. Baran