This Page Last Updated: July 18, 2020

The Hypothesis
Commentary  + Notes

The following is simply a metaphor, an analogy, a parable, a game, a mental construct in order to try to better understand that which cannot be understood.  Does this hypothesis encompass all examples one might come across or might there be surprises which this does not explain?

The surface of the water as physical reality
The small air-to-surface edge of a bubble as an operating Ego
The body of the bubble as an incarnated Personality
A wave which generates many bubbles as the Inner or Higher Self
A current which generates waves as an Oversoul
The entire vast ocean as All That Is.

The surface of the water

is the camouflage universe, physical reality in time, the four dimensions for us in this life, including all plastic, performance, print, and electronic versions of our symbolic communications and arts, which often describe reality more accurately than our verbal definitions through prose or poetry.  Also, the observations (empiricism, materialism, and naturalism) of the characteristic camouflage patterns of physical reality (including time) by way of the primitive senses of touch, hearing, sight, smell, taste, balance, pressure, and temperature from which the various accepted authorities build and maintain belief systems about all reality.  The electromagnetic spectrum and the spectrum of matter made up of vibrations, oscillations, frequencies, and pulses are found here.

All energy contains consciousness, and every level of consciousness has some kind of participation in dream states.
--  From a Private Session, for July 12, 1979,
as quoted in Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 9;
Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 472

(However, scientific instruments are useful only in measuring the level of reality in which they themselves exist.)
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 226

(Scientists are and will be the prisoners of their own tools...  the instruments themselves will transform data from terms that we cannot understand into terms that we can understand, altering the physical camouflage of the real nonphysical things in the inner universe which are being measured into vibrations with which the scientists are familiar.  [Those vibrations are then assigned causative status.]  The inner universe, however, is responsible for all physical effects and is behind all physical "laws."  It is not just that such an inner universe is different from our own, but that any real or practical explanation of its reality would require the birth of an entirely new physics -- and such a development would first of all necessitate the birth of an entirely new philosophy.  The physics cannot come first.)
--  From the 19th Session, for January 27, 1964,
as quoted in Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pp. 141-142, 230

All exterior events, including our bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materializations, are the outside structures of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electromagnetic patterns.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 674

Each realm, plane, dimension, universe being a grand tapestry from which its inhabitants might choose certain patterns and announce that those habitual, organized views are the immutable laws of creation.  Anything of which we are aware in three-dimensional existence is only a projection of a greater reality into those dimensions, and barely begins to hint at the varieties of dimensions possible.  Scientific discussion of multiverses or string theory hints at initial attempts to start to acknowledge these realms of existence.  Acknowledgment of a wider reality and forms of communication and abilities expressed will result in a wider perception of reality and previously ignored or unsensed sensory data.  Not everything we perceive or think we perceive in this reality is necessarily the true or only form that things have, especially if they are only partly protruding into our reality.  Even on a given plane there are many different expressions of reality, only a few being such as by humans vs. dolphins, boa constrictors vs. tapeworms, albatross vs. hummingbird, long-lived individual bristlecone pines vs. clonal aspens, short-lived mayflies vs. bedbugs, or different sensing bats vs. different intelligent octopi vs. different vision birds, let alone the algae-fungus symbiosis of lichen, the plant-mycorrhiza symbioses of most seed plants, the few pounds of interdependent non-human microbes in and on every human and most other complex animals, virus communications, microbes that thrive in below freezing or near boiling temperatures, flourish in high levels of radiation, essentially eat or excrete electricity, are pleomorphs, or even the legendary man-animal beings.

The physical environment is real in different terms to an animal, a fish, a man, or a rock, for example, and different portions of that environment are correspondingly unreal to each of those forms.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 358

The constant interchange of elements that exists biologically by way of eating, breathing, shedding, eliminating, etc. means that the same physical stuff that composes a man or a woman may be dispersed, and later form a toad, a starfish, a dog, or a flower.  It may be distributed into numberless different forms.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 500

Creatures without the compartment of the Ego can easily follow their own identity beyond any change of form.
--  From Session 453, for December 4, 1968,
as quoted in Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 524

And "animals do not 'think' of long lives or short lives, but of a brilliant present, which in a way has no beginning or end... time, in our terms, does not exist for them -- and in the deepest of terms, a life's quality on a human scale cannot be judged primarily in terms of its length, either."
--  From Session 836, for February 1979,
as quoted in Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 185

Our historical time is, say, but one species of time that dwells upon the earth.  There are many others.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 410

There are countless relationships between species that go unrecognized.  The generations of all species interact.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 359

We limit the capacity of our conscious mind by refusing to allow it to use a larger scope of attention, so that we have remained closed and ignorant about the different, varied, but rich experiences of other species.  They do appear beneath us.  We have allowed a certain stubborn literal-mindedness to provide us with definitions that served to categorize rather than illuminate other realities beside our own...  We have become so specialized in its use, so prejudiced in its favor, that our tendency is to examine all other kinds of consciousness using the reasoning mind as the only yardstick by which to judge intelligent life.  Our position on the scale of awareness inclines us to categorize consciousnesses so that only our own familiar brand seems to fit the definition.  We are surrounded everywhere by other kinds of consciousness whose validity we have largely ignored, whose psychic brotherhood we have dismissed -- kinds of consciousness in the animal kingdom particularly, that deal with a kind of knowing, but who share with us the reality of keen emotional experience, and who are innately aware of biological and psychic values, but in ways that have escaped our prejudiced examination.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pp. 156-157, 272-273;
Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 359

The analogy of a plane with an emotional state being much more valid than that between a plane and a geological state -- particularly since emotional states take up no physical space.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 756

Similarly, entities in other dimensions might "perceive" us in a very different form, just as we try to interpret "bleedthroughs" from other places, times, dreams, and planes as some of the "UFOs," "ghosts," "monsters," "supernatural beings," "giants," "fairies," "crop circles," etc.  Some acknowledged astronomical objects are actually bleedthroughs, also.  Each has its own concept of selfhood or collective vision of existence.

The brain is a camouflage pattern, taking up space and existing in time, while the mind does not.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 667

"In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally.  These limits are beliefs to be/which can be transcended.  The body imposes definite limits.  All of the body is in the mind, but not all the mind is in the body."
--  John C. Lilly

The universe is always coming into existence, and each present moment brings its own built-in past along with it.  We agree on accepting as fact only a small portion of the large available data that compose any moment individually or globally.  We accept only those data that fit in with our ideas of motion in time...  The conscious mind sees with a spectacular but limited scope.  It lacks all peripheral vision.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 155

We do not understand the dimensions into which our own thoughts drop, for they continue their own existences, and others look up to them and view them like stars.  Our own dreams and thoughts and mental actions appear to the inhabitants of some other systems like the stars and planets within our own; and THOSE inhabitants do not perceive what lies within and behind the stars in their own heavens.  All our thoughts and dreams are not "wasted" or simply discarded.  They do not become extinct either, but go on to serve other functions in the universe other than those with which we are presently aware.  This all involves a lush multitudinous creativity.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 391;
Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pp. 473-474

"...forms vary on different planes, are visible or invisible according to our own situation.  A form that may be perceived by us as solid may be seen merely as an electrical unit on another plane, or as a color on a third...  Using the senses developed on a particular plane to perceive its characteristic camouflage patterns, it is almost impossible to see beyond these boundary effects.  The appearance of an expanding universe is also caused, therefore, by this distortive boundary effect.  In some cases the distortion could be likened to the reflection of a solid tree in water.  The outer senses, observing the reflection, might try to judge the depth of the water by the height of the tree, supposing it to be as deep as the tree is high..."
--  From Session 42, for April 8, 1964,
as quoted in Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One , pp. 258-259

Any two or more persons who witness some event large or small will each come away with slightly different memories of the event because each experiences reality slightly differently due to individual differences in neurological physiology, structural anatomy, biochemical dynamics, cultural background, expectations, and belief systems.

The physical self is a focus of consciousness that forms a personality in response to that focus.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 543

The small air-to-surface edge of a bubble

is the operating Ego, actually a series of small lenses which the inner self uses to perceive and manipulate physical reality in a certain specific fashion with a mortal body which has so many more latent biological capabilities than have been acknowledged.  In fact, there is a physical give-and-take between the body and the environment very much beyond that which we recognize, an inner dynamics which escapes us, that unites the health of the plants, animals, and humans.

There are also innumerable relationships that exist between the internal environment of the body and the weather patterns.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 42

Minute changes in the level of the vibrations of living forms are reflected in a variety of changes in the weather and geology.

Our real challenge in knowing our own species, and others, may lie in our cultivating the ability to understand the interacting consciousnesses involved, rather than to search only for physical relationships supposedly created through evolutionary processes.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 676

The Ego lives on the surface of the moments, with no understanding of the myriad unrecognized and unofficial realities that live and grow beneath.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 126

Accepted neurological recognition of certain messages over others is a mental projection that very effectively blinds it to the other quite valid biological communications that are present all of the time.  This is the conscious version of what we are.  A group of characteristics used to solve various problems, the Ego changes with times and situations relating to survival in physical reality.

Includes the physical aspects or senses and the symbolic meanings of the people, possessions/assets, limitations, and objects with which we surround ourselves and in which we live during the physical life -- including money, an otherwise neutral symbol of our intentions, appreciations, and energies, too often only focused on how useful it is/they are in certain areas of society.  The Ego can be thought of as a flashlight which can be controlled in order to turn one's attention or look in various directions before returning to one's comfortable "home" state.  A specific focus taken on the part of a portion of the psyche which we call "us" (and there are many, many other such focuses).  Intent or purpose forms a stabilized center from which physical existence will radiate.

Individuals choose to develop certain portions of their abilities, and such a choice often necessitates ignoring other talents.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 488

(Consciousness operates within certain code systems, as it were, which help direct particular kinds of focus, bringing in certain kinds of significances while blocking out other data.  These other data, of course, might well be significant in different code systems.  In their way, these systems are interrelated so that at other levels there is communication between them, such as secondary data that is supportive but not primarily concentrated upon.)
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 328

The "self-image" (which can be heavily influenced by others and which can be changed to that which feels true) sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.

When overly developed and overly specialized, the Ego often believes that it is all that is or at least is narrowly focused upon a certain set of beliefs provided by one or more sets of authorities.  Includes the concept of death (which is sustained only by the energy of resistance it can generate), but not the reality of death, as well as its expression as the fear of loss, which is the basis of possession.  Also includes the acculturation process with its chronic threat of failure to predict and control, the consequences of that failure being the web which holds human society together, particularly manifested as either the recognized or occult forms of every type of religion, politics, science, medicine, education, athletics, commerce, finance, military, architecture, and other forms of authority.  Understanding that any type of "official" history -- the official line of accepted stimuli and a concentrated linear abstraction -- endorsed by any of these authorities is biased and incomplete relative to the "big picture," that there is always much hidden and secret information known to the authorities, and comments about any of the other authorities include amounts of "disinformation" (either knowingly included or not).  Numerous techniques of "hypnosis" and persuation/redirection are employed on persons within their sphere of influence to alter and limit those Egos' actions and beliefs.  These authorities also claim and strengthen the concepts of their being the sole providers of blessings or curses, fellowship with or excommunication from God (the entire ocean) including eternal life in [various levels of] a heaven or damnation in [various levels of] a hell, the official size and age and origin and extent of the world, and even the legitimacy of individual personal experiences based upon selective literal interpretations of various writings held to be direct or inspired communication/revelation/discovery from God/Nature to only those authorities.

We should never accept as fact a theory that contradicts our own experience.  Our experience includes, for example, all kinds of behavior for which science [or religion] has no answers.  [It/they too often] automatically rejects such behavior as valid, legitimate or real, or attempts to place such events outside of the realm of actuality.  It tries to pretend that our experience is limited to those events that science [or religion] can explain.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 497

And groups which have officially [or temporarily] ended receipt of new revelations or change have come to various states of order, achieved certain powers and organizations, and want to maintain the status quo.  They want creativity [and acknowledgement of our true abilities] to follow only certain definite [narrow] roads.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pp. 223-224

(There is no civilization, no system of science, art, or philosophy that did not originate in the mind.  Our social organizations, our governments -- these are based upon imaginative principles.  The basis of our most intimate experience, the framework behind all of our organized structures, rests upon a reality that is not considered valid by the very institutions that are formed through its auspices.)
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pp. 294, 141

In the annals of history there is legend after legend, tale after tale, history after history describing civilizations that have come and gone, kings risen and fallen, and those stories have always represented cultures of the psyche, and described various approaches used by our psyche as it explored its intersection with earthly experience.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 527

There are civilizations of the psyche, and only by learning about these will we discover the truth about the "lost" civilizations of our planet, for each such physical culture coincided with and emerged from a corresponding portion of the psyche that we even now possess.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 409

Their existences are geared to the eternal seeking of the Kingdom of God, but not to the finding of the Kingdom of Heaven; the hope for achieving it someday, not the living in it now.
--  Reich, The Murder of Christ, pp. 108, 119

But these authorities are NOT some imposed outward directive.  They represent the exercise of various [often extremely fear-bound] aspects of ourselves, the result of our mass beliefs, developed to isolate the Ego to some degree from its natural environment and other creatures (hence the belief that only humans have eternal souls) and to allow us to explore existence along lines possible only from such limiting perspectives.

There is no station of society that we all do not in one way or another affect.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 60

Astrology, the intuitive interpretation of the dynamic relationships of the "signs in the heavens," is particularly prone to oversimplification and disinformation because of its multi-layered nature (which is usually stagnated at not even just the conventional natal horoscope).  Each dimension and location has its own version of astrology with hidden variables.  This is among the various cycles, coincidences, and synchronicities which exist but most of which are not yet necessarily recognized and appreciated.  Not predestination but predisposition -- very strong currents, probabilities, and tendencies which we may choose to follow or resist, some of which might be acting as incentives for our non-physical growth and development.  Astrological charts, tarot cards, crystal balls and mirrors, Ouija boards, tea leaves, runes, palm lines, animal entrails, etc. can act as psychic focusing devices for certain sensitives to make use of.  None of these are causal -- they are symbolic.  They each are patterns, templates; they become aids for the reader to project a much larger knowledge into.  And because there is no single pre-set future, we can "re-make" it at any point.  (Just as we can "re-make" our past.)  Some predictions are made in order to show what will happen if changes are not made in our current/habitual thoughts and actions.  When we alter these thoughts and actions just enough, the original predictions do not come about because that one particular timeline did not play out here.

As we go about our lives, therefore, we are very effectively taking part in the "future" development of our species.  Any choice we make privately affects it biologically and psychically.  Any biological or spiritual advancement that we might imagine will of course not come from any outside agency, but from within the heritage of its consciousness made flesh.  The history of the private psyche and the mass experience of the species, again, resides in each individual.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pp. 323, 324, 329, 520

Culture is the verbal/semantic mediant acting as proxy-for-reality interaction.  For culture is our set of concepts by which we interact with reality.  Interacting through our cultural sets creates our cultural reality.  Process and product are the same.  Culture, however, is a set of imaginative expectancies.  To interact with the world of our culture we had to create the necessary concepts.  Cultural concepts are abstract creations.  To be acculturated, then, is not to be handed a specific set of concrete ideas concerning reality.  Each of us creates culture anew.  The flexibility and tenaciousness of the cultural effect lies in its lack of clarity.  (Subtle doubt can create far more havoc than dogmatic condemnation or assertion.)  Both ancient and contemporary cultures attempt to predict and control a nature conceived as hostile and dangerous.  To be acculturated is to lock out the natural world and attune the thinking apparatus to cultural products.  Culture doesn't equip us so much for physical survival, but for cultural survival.  The vast bulk of our problems and challenges attributed to "our natural condition" are cultural efforts projected into "nature-out-there."  Once acculturated, we act on data with our conceptual sets, rather than interacting with data in creative ways.  The irony is, of course, that were it not for creativity, culture itself would not be created.
--  Pearce, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, pp. 198, 29-30, 86, 55, 88, 84, 85, 36-37, 38

Culture is as real and natural as trees and rocks. 
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 186

Our imaginations help us bring elements of the inner implied universe into actuality.  Our imaginations obviously are not limited by time.  We can imagine past and future events.  Our imaginations have always helped us form our civilizations, our arts and our sciences, and when they are united with our reasoning processes they can bring us knowledge about the universe and our places in it that we can receive in no other fashion.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 360

Our many civilizations, historically speaking, each with its own fields of activity, its own sciences, religions, politics and art -- these all represent various ways that we have used imagination and reason to form a framework through which a more or less cohesive reality is experienced.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 363

A small part of culture's purpose is to freely explore the rich possibilities of concepts of what "reality" isn't, including the battle for survival or being threatened by, being isolated/apart from, non-cooperative with, fearful of, and limited within one's own true nature, and also a belief in only being able to live a single life -- which some say will then determine one's salvation or damnation for all eternity.  Playing with the concept of "Maya": that [this very limited understanding of] the physical world is all that is.  Various mutations, dis-eases, disabilities, and "accidents" are experiments to explore and represent some lines of probability for physical existence.

The species is also always in the process of keeping within its genetic bank millions of characteristics that might be needed in various contingencies, and in that regard there is a connection, of course, between, say, viruses of many strains and the health not only of man but of other species.  The possibility of creative change must always be present to ensure the species' resiliency, and that resiliency can show in many ways -- in conditions that we ordinarily consider deformities, disabilities from birth, or in any physical variation from a hypothetical physical norm.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 310

In much larger terms even negativity is creative, and often in ways we cannot comprehend in our temporal reality.  Violence will always be used creatively, but if we do not understand this -- and at our present rate of development we do not -- then any violence is violence against ourselves.  Despite all we do, we cannot really work any destruction -- but while we believe in destruction, then to that extent we minimize what we are, and must work harder to use creativity.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pp. 362, 465

No person becomes ill unless that illness serves a psychic or psychological reason.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 21

Illness is the natural companion of powerless people.  Everything about our lives is, in fact, involved in our relationship to this energy called power, a manifestation of the life-force required in order to live, to thrive, to function.  Power is the life-force, and we are born knowing this fact.  For all of us the challenge is not to become "power celibate" but to achieve sufficient internal strength to interact comfortably with physical power without negotiating our spirits away.  This is what is means to be "in the world but not of it."  No one can live without one's spirit.  Our spirit is our power.  We need to "call back our power" from experiences that drain the life-force from our bodies.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pp. 160, 161, 165

Illness and suffering are not thrust upon us by God or some outside agency -- they are a by-product of the learning process created by us, in themselves quite neutral...  Illness and suffering are the results of misdirection of creative energy.  They are part of the creative force, however.  They do not come from a different source than, say, health and vitality.  Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches us how to stop suffering.  That is its purpose...
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 670

Gender, race and social roles are found here in the realm of the Ego also, artificially separating mental and emotional characteristics into exclusive sexual identity stereotypes of the two genders as "masculine" and "feminine," including demanding that affection or love be only acceptably expressed physically.  Selected observations of some of the behaviors of other members of the animal kingdom are offered as proof that such roles are universal.  These beliefs are responsible for largely blocking-out reincarnational awareness.

We cannot separate our thoughts, expectations, and beliefs about reality from the reality that we experience.  That is, our thoughts, expectations, and beliefs about reality form it.  Our ideas about what is possible and what is not possible are reflected in all areas.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 88;
Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 294

Nonbelief in reincarnation also allows one to freely explore the possibilities of a one-time limited existence and authority over others -- which most known religious, political, and other systems are based upon investigating.  Atheists and agnostics explore the disbelief/unbelief in and uncertainty about (and, in their own way, are actually protesting) their culture's limited conceptualization of the All That Is.  Some are exploring living well now, not putting off our work for the future, not just living so they won't end up in a hell rather than a heaven.

Playing the so-called "Human Game" of limitation by creating illusions that convince us that each of us is a severely restricted, vulnerable, frightened, poor, and weak creature who gets tossed about by people, places and things we have no control over.  The delusions of fear, self-hatred, negation, resentment, unawareness, resistance, "proper behavior lest others think badly of us," unquestioning obedience, artificial guilt, judgment, blame, defensiveness, vengence, having power over or pitying or attempting to save others -- or their souls.  That which has attempted to avoid the awesome burden and great freedom of being completely responsible for one's life.  These negative beliefs or life-denying characteristics (and some of the positive ones held by other cultures which are "the other" or "not-us") are collectively anthromorphized (especially by the Judeo-Christian-Islamic faiths) as the "Devil," "Satan," "the Adversary," "the Great Deceiver," etc.

...we have only two natural fears: one of falling and one of loud noises.  All other fears have [either] been given to us by grown-ups who projected their own fears onto us, and have passed them on from generation to generation [or are old unresolved conflicts from our other lives].
--  Kübler-Ross, On Life After Death, pg. 65

Fears, sometimes even seemingly irrational ones, however, can serve to rouse the body if we have been too lethargic or have been in a rut psychologically or physically.  If we trusted such feelings, they would follow their own rhythms and routes and change into other feelings.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 105

Emotions flowing through us have no meaning in and of themselves -- what we do with them does: negative ones can be used as challenges for change, for example.

Beliefs generate emotions which trigger our memories and organize our associations.
--  Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, pg. 49

Beliefs that recommend the death of desire or the annihilation of the Ego for the transmutation of the physical elements to finer levels (asceticism) cause the clear spiritual and biological integrity of the individual to suffer and the precious individuality of our moments is largely lost.  The conscious mind having learned to focus in physical terms is meant to expand, to accept unconscious intuitions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns beyond the concepts of just one language, one body, one self, one world, one afterlife, and one god.

The body is a spiritual, psychic and social statement, biologically spoken.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 45

And we will not escape violence until we free ourselves from the hypnotic beliefs that we are only accidentally-generated sinful matter under a thin veneer of civilization barely surviving in a violent, meaningless, amoral universe filled with other lifeforms intent on and capable of killing us at every turn, or that we are merely the soldier pawns or worker bees of the gods or their underlings who have to kill (or at least beat down) holders of opposing or other viewpoints.  Peace lies not in the world but in each of us as we walk our path through it.  A few recommendations for the directions of our thoughts and actions can be found in the Golden Rule, the Two Great Commandments, the Serenity Prayer, and even The Desiderata.

The body of the bubble

is an incarnated Personality, that which we think of as an individual human being.  A valid but temporarily differentiated ("birth-to-death") fragment of the ocean.

No single time or space dimension (or groups thereof) can contain the creativity of the multidimensional potentials of the true self.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 187

Includes the less-recognized aspects or senses of inner vibrational touch, psychological time, perception of past, present and future, the conceptual sense, cognition of knowledgeable essence, innate knowledge of basic reality, expansion or contraction of the tissue capsule (an energy field boundary, crudely termed "astral body"), disentanglement from the camouflage of one's reality, and diffusion of the energy personality.  The most profound altered states of consciousness and states of knowledge are found "here" as the verbal waking state is temporarily left behind and the "radio receivers that we are become briefly tuned in to other stations and frequencies and minds."  Meditation, alcohol, drugs, assorted entities, exercises, fever, fasting, fatigue, dancing, chanting, music, intense pain or pleasure, and other physical events enable a temporary "tuning in" (often via trance) to these other realms, these other lands of the mind.  Beings and civilizations of these other dimensions have been misidentified as the "gods" and "demons" of old, or those earthbound entities or residual personalities known to attach to/possess/parasite some of us (some of the "inner demons we fight with," some of the Shadow or the ID).  "Guardian angels," "spirit guides," "earth gods," "elementals," "totem spirits," "ascended masters," "ancestor spirits," "invisible companions," "protective light," etc. are also interacted with here.  Some "angels" and "ghosts" are dreaming entities in other places or times, interacting with us here and now.

Because we are people, we personify what we perceive -- "people-ize" it.  We imagine such "spirits" to be small people, endowed with our own kind of characteristics.  Instead there are simply species of consciousness, entirely different from our own, not usually perceived physically under most conditions.  They are indeed connected with flora and fauna, but also with the animals and ourselves.  The forms represent the personified, accumulated positive energies that are working to our advantage at the time, that provide us protection, but that also automatically work to the benefit of our lives and projects.  In a fashion the forms also represent the innocent and powerful inner self, or spontaneous self, or naturally magical self -- the terms are synonymous.  The forms can be sent out to others, to their advantage, and in that regard the forms stand for the great power of natural, positive desire and thought patterns.  These represent the greater source-selves out of which our present persons spring.  In a fashion they become their own kind of entity -- a well-intended one that exists in a rather concentrated form, distilled from our own best aspirations.  Hence they are also filled with energy, and become collectors of it.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 149
Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pp. 402-403

Artificial dangers can also be encountered here because some individuals find themselves with no acceptable framework in which to correlate or understand their experiences, so they try to fall back upon familiar but limited religious or scientific or pseudoscientific explanations.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 481

We cannot understand perceived events unless we understand who perceives them.  We must learn more about the slant of our own consciousness before we are in a position to ask truly pertinent questions about the reality that we perceive.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 654

Studying ourselves and the nature of our own consciousness, then, will automatically lead us to some extent to an understanding of the "unknown" reality.  The unknown reality is composed of those blocked-out portions of our own psyche, and the corresponding frameworks of experience they form.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 362

There are many kinds or states of knowledge, with perception of any of these taking a consciousness attuned to each.  It is not just that there are other functions of the mind, currently unused, but that in those terms we have other minds, one brain but many multi-layered stations, each mind being a psychic pattern through which we interpret and form reality.  Those minds all work together to keep us alive through the physical structure of the brain -- which, however, doesn't register all the assorted minds' perceptions -- and together they help us perceive our true personhood.
       The brain waves as they are known are separately registered segments of a greater "whole" kind of consciousness, and our machines are just as segmented, perceiving only those patterns [they were designed to recognize].  Other activity escapes them.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 704

We are not passive, fleeting dreamers, lost in some divine mind, but we are the unique creative manifestations of a divine intelligence whose creativity is responsible for all realities, which are themselves endowed with creative abilities of their own, with the potential and desire for fulfillment -- inheritors indeed of the divine processes themselves.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 219

In a way we add on to ourselves through experience, becoming "more than we were before."  We move in and out of probable selfhoods, while at the same time -- usually with the greatest of ease -- we maintain an identity of ourselves.  The mosaics of consciousness are brilliant to behold.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 166

Our identities are not something already completed.  Our most minute action, thought, and dream adds to the reality of our psyche, no matter how grand or austere the psyche may appear to us when we think of it as a hypothetical term.
--  Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, pg. 21

Our own private identities do not need fences.  They are themselves.  They can combine and unite with others, yet retain their uniqueness and experience.  Only our concepts limit our understanding of that prime freedom.  Someday we will see how we can temporarily disperse our own characteristics into another and they can disperse theirs into us, with our consent and theirs, to form new aspects of reality and to cast new light on combined purposes and challenges.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 512

Only our beliefs about the psyche and about the body limit our experience to its present degree.  Our "life" is simply the only portion of our existence of which we are presently aware.  Existences are like notes played along certain frequencies.  We are tuned in to an earth (or other world) song, but we are only following our own melody and usually we are unaware of the much greater and more magnificent orchestration in which we also take part.
--  Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, pp. 31, 33

We must activate our impulses and desires, try out our abilities, seek out our strengths by joyfully advancing into the given world of physical energy, physical time and space.  In the development of each individual we act and reenact the startling events that brought our own universe into existence.  The universe was not created in some dim past, but is newly recreated by our own thoughts, dreams, and desires -- so that reality happens at all possible levels at once.  And in that living endeavor we each play our part.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 21

We do not experience our space-time world, then, from one but from many viewpoints.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 463

"The brain is not an organ that generates consciousness, but rather an instrument evolved to transmit and limit the processes of consciousness and of conscious attention so as to restrict them to those aspects of the material environment which at any moment are crucial for the terrestrial success of the individual.  In that case such phenomena as telepathy and clairvoyance would be merely instances in which some of the limitations were removed."
--  Cyril Burt, ESP and Psychology, (London, 1975), pg. 60,
as quoted in Chris Carter, Science and the Near-Death Experience, (Rochester, VT; 2010), pg. 18

The large water-to-surface edge of the bubble

is where the natural characteristic of dreams are generated for the purposes of daily debriefing and review, tieing up of loose ends, role playing and "dress rehearsal," expressing the state of the unified mind-body, perceptions and communications from elsewheres -- including interactions with physically-dead or not-yet-born family, friends, and loved ones -- and incarnational memories.

In a fashion dreams allow for a curious mixture of learning processes, while at the same time serving to introduce surprising developments.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 480

Love involves self-respect, the trust in individual biological zest and integrity.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pg. 35

Love encompasses every kind of love
--  Reich, The Murder of Christ, pg. 92

The ability to dream presupposes the existence of experience that is not defined as physical fact.
--  Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, pg. 122

Freedom from time and place, the wider kind of communication, the great mobility of consciousness -- all of these experiences under dreaming conditions are characteristic of the basic nature of reality.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 481

The dream state operates as a rich web of communication between probable selves and probable existences, an inexhaustible fountain of information, the rich bed of probabilities upon which the Ego now rides so blindly.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 111

"These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life [or two or three...]"
"These Dreams" by Martin George Page and Bernie Taupin, as recorded by Heart

The "future" of the species is being worked out in the private and mass dreams of its members, but this is never considered.  In dreams we take many subjective "photographs," and decide which ones among them we want to materialize in time.  To a certain extent, therefore, the dreams are blueprints for our later snapshots.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pp. 201, 209

Could our human reality be a variable, affecting everything we see and do?  Could our time be variable, affected by what we see and do?  The answer has always been yes.  The understanding of this is almost impossible as we walk in a linear 4D world...  What we do today, and the decisions that we have made in the recent past, has already shaped the future of this planet.  In order to do that, the past also changed.  Not within the history books, but in the energy of what was seemingly presented and done.
--  Kryon, mid-2002

Our probable selves and we share in a body of symbolism, background and ability.  Our life is a dreaming experience to other portions of our greater reality which focuses elsewhere, and their experiences are also a part of our dream heritage. 

Our life is one dream that we are remembering.  We are remembering it and creating it at once, watching it grow from the attention of our own love and knowledge, and as we seem to stand at its center, so we stand at the center of all of our dreams, which then spin themselves seemingly outward.  Our physical universe began, again, then, from a dreaming center.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 535

Our psyche's products can often appear chaotic simply because they so brazenly splash over our simplistic accepted ideas about what experience is.
--  Roberts, The Nature of the Psyche, pg. 39

There is nothing "wrong" with our present habitual kind of consciousness, any more than there is anything wrong with speaking only one language.  There is within us, however, the impetus to explore, to expand, to create, and that will automatically lead us to explore inner lands of consciousness, as it has led us to explore the other countries of the physical world.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 483

Practically using the inner-connected images and languages in their pure form and expressing reality from a different angle, so to speak, with emotions and associative processes rather than time.  Chance and coincidence being actually the result of an amazing organization and communication active in the psychological realm here.

Myth is not a distortion of fact, but the womb through which fact must come.  It involves an intrinsic understanding of the nature of reality, couched in imaginative terms, carrying a power as strong as nature itself.  When we accept myths we call them facts, of course, for they become so a part of our lives, of societies and our professions, that their basis seems self-apparent.  Myths are vast psychic dramas, more truthful than facts.  They provide an ever-enduring theater of reality.  Myths are natural phenomena, rising from the psyche of humanity as surely as giant mountain ranges emerge from the physical planet.  But often our myths get in the way: when myths become standardized, and too literal, when we begin to tie them too tightly to the world of facts, then we misread them entirely.  When myths become most factual they are already becoming less real, their power becomes constrained.  Facts are a very handy but weak brew of reality.  They immediately consign certain kinds of experiences as real and others as not.  The psyche, however, will not be so limited, it exists in a medium of reality, a realm of being in which all possibilities exist.  The psyche creates myths the way the ocean creates spray.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pp. 89-90

In one way or another all mythology contains descriptions of other species existing on the earth in various forms.  Mythology tells us about the archaeology of our race psychically as well as physically.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 135

That which weaves in and out of probabilities constantly, picking and choosing as it goes along, that which straddles probabilities and triggers responses.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 54

The concept of "reincarnation" simply represents probabilities in a time context (that which we call pasts, presents, parallels, and/or futures), portions of the self that are materialized and focused identities in historical contexts.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 79

The entire concept of reincarnation has been highly distorted by other religious concepts.  It is not a psychological arena composed of crime and punishment.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 310

Reincarnation suggests, of course, the extension of personal experience beyond one time period, independent of one bodily form, the translation or transmission of intelligence through nonphysical frameworks, and implies psychological behavior, memory and desire as purposeful action without the substance of any physical mechanism -- propositions that science at its present stage of development simply could not buy, and for which it could find no evidence, for its methods would automatically preclude the type of experience that such evidence would require.  Or which is given distorted explanations by some religions or cults.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pp. 431-432

A very simplistic and crude analogy would be that each incarnation might be a different level in school from pre-school through Grade 12, plus college and post-grad studies, with a smattering of a few Sunday school and summer school classes and afterschool electives.  Each person we interrelate with (family, friends, colleagues, associates, strangers) is in one of these various different levels with a specific "major and minor" of study despite similar physical age or appearance, and there are a few close friends with whom we will be together in the same classes (although they may not always appear to be friends).  (And not every "student" in this analogy can or needs to understand or appreciate this HYPOTHESIS -- just as not every physical-world student, say, can understand or appreciate quantum physics.  At each level, the students are only given a slight bit more than they can comprehend at once.)

Another simple analogy would be that each of us is an actor/writer/director and each life is a different role -- extra, character, supporting, featured, or megastar -- in a variety of films and TV shows, some of which bleed through to or interact with other roles we have or will play, and we are sometimes as a member of a small company of players who regularly create, influence, and perform together.

We have comrades or counterparts (who may seem to be strangers -- including some other aspects of the Shadow or id), and we all come to this earth [or other worlds] at a given time and place of our choice, and so do we reap and form the great challenges of our age.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 772

Our world exists in different terms than those we recognize, and reincarnation is indeed a myth and a story that stands for something else entirely.  The psyche is so rich that it can have MORE than one life in one time period.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 760

We are always at the center of our lives.  Again, our being as we understand it is never annihilated, but continues to develop its own existence in other ways.  A portion of us has lived many lives upon this planet, but the "us" that we know is freshly here, and will never again encounter space and time in precisely the same way.  The same applies to each life lived either before or after.  In deeper terms the era in which we live at any time still exists, and that is something we should not forget.  For as we view a painting, for instance, and it has a frame, so do we view the centuries and put separate frames around them...  Biologically we rest upon a heritage, however, and psychically the same applies.  The soul, or this greater personage, does not simply send out an old self in new clothes each time and time again, but each time a new, freshly-minted self that then develops and goes its own way.  That self rides firmly, however, in the great flight of experience, and feels within itself all of those other fully unique versions that also fling their way into existence.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pp. 492, 772

While fragments of a self may be spun off to birth other creatures to allow consciousness to choose to take a certain focus, cross-species incarnation, as such, does not actually happen -- the threat of it was another tool of control created by authority based on a partial truth.

There is no such thing as a cat consciousness, basically speaking, or a bird consciousness.  In those terms, there are instead simply consciousnesses that choose to take certain focuses.  If there is no consciousness "tailored" to be a cat's or a dog's, then there is no prepackaged, predestined, particular consciousness that is meant to be human, either...  The units of consciousness that organize to form a particular identity still form that pattern after physical death -- but not physically.  The identity exists as itself in the greater living memory of its own "larger" selfhood.  Its organization exists inviolately, but as a part of the greater psychic organization from which it came.  That identity remains known to itself whether or not it is reactivated in our terms.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pp. 186-187

Each incarnation has certain strengths and weaknesses which are often manifested in particular health/dis-ease conditions.  The concept of reincarnation explains the following: some allergies, some birthmarks and scars and birth defects, some sibling personality differences, some natural talents and abilities, some gender confusion, some memories and dreams, some linguistic abilities, some strong positive or negative relationships, some precocity, some unusual dietary cravings and revulsions, and some fears/phobias.  The mechanisms of the physical body have more functions and varieties than we know of, and the physical bodies are much more resilient than many authors would acknowledge: health is not just about what is put in or not put in the body.  To various individual extents, one's life purpose -- including "karmic" lessons from other lives, will to live, belief systems, epigenetics, etc. -- also modifies health/dis-ease.

There is a give-and-take between the seemingly separate mental and physical aspects of our lives at every level of experience, and at every level within nature's seeming boundaries.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 496

The potentials of the true self are so multidimensional that they cannot be expressed in one space or time.  That potential needs infinite opportunity; the true self's reality needs an ever-new, changing situation, for each experience enriches it, and, therefore, enhances its own possibilities.  Equally, no single historic past could explain what each of us is now as an individual or as a member of a species.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 187

We weave our spirits into the events and relationships of our lives.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 20

Each of our thirty trillion plus bodily cells is as spiritual as our souls are and each generates a very tiny, tiny bit of electricity.  The resulting human energy field (aka "aura") contains and reflects the energy of each individual's DNA loops, surrounding and carrying with us the emotional energy created by our internal and external experiences, continually influencing the physical tissues within our bodies so that the biographies of our strengths, weaknesses, hopes, and fears become our living, breathing biologies.

The body is an electromagnetic pattern, poised in a web of probabilities, experienced as corporeal at an intersection point in space and time.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 98

The ability to choose (including making decisions and emphasizing or minimizing certain aspects of our lives) is an active power.  The sensation of having active power is both thrilling and threatening (when we realize that no part of our lives or thoughts is powerless or even private), because it can make us want to change those parts of our lives that are no longer appropriate or necessary.  Changing those parts inspires us to challenge other aspects of our lives that are not satisfactory.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 52

Managing the power of choice, with all its creative and spiritual implications, is the essence of the human experience.  Choice is the process of creation itself.  It is not what we choose that matters; our power to influence an outcome lies in our reasons for making a certain choice.  Are we filled with fear or love?  Given our particular body, environment, and beliefs, will we make choices that enhance our spirit or those that drain our power into the physical illusion around us?
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pp. 132, 133, 170

Healing is an active event meant to draw on our inner resources, to find the material strength to leave behind our many outmoded beliefs and behaviors, and to see ourselves in new healthy ways.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 57

We participated, at some level, in the creation of this "dis-ease" and we can participate in its reversal by simultaneously healing our emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual being.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 47

[There are] connections between one's illness and other members of the family, community relationships, and with the very belief systems that underlie all of human activity.  The kinds of beliefs we have about people bring about the kinds of illnesses we encounter...  The individual is always in a state of change...  [U]nderstanding and comprehension [can] clear away the old belief patterns that hold the individual in bounds.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 245

Belief in oneself and self-acceptance is required for healing.  Healing is a matter of becoming conscious -- not of the illness but of a life-force that we have never before fully embraced.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pp. 182, 246.

We are only innocent and relatively powerless victims to the extent that we choose to allow the perception of victimhood to have control over us, how permanent we feel our wounds are, and that this painful experience is challenging us to evaluate where we have placed our faith: either in limited human authority or multi-dimensional Divine authority.  Do we choose out of fear[, control, intolerance, deception,] and hate?  Or do we choose in love[, cooperation, tolerance, honesty,] and respect?
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 125

That which serves our spirits enhances our bodies, that which diminishes our spirits diminishes our bodies, that which drains our spirits drains our bodies, and that which fuels our spirits fuels our bodies.  Within, we are all the same, and the spiritual challenges we face are all the same, for our external differences are illusory and temporary, mere physical props.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pp. 76, 91

It is not that helpful or harmful ingestions or exposures are not having their effects: it is that sometimes the use or avoidance of these substances is part of the larger plan for a life's experience, despite the pronouncements of various authorities.  Our physical bodies are continually re-created "space-time suits" that our spirits generate in order to be able to experience and manipulate within these particular dimensions.  These "suits" are based upon the genetic patterns of the parental units chosen to propagate the incarnation, and might include echoes of previous/other incarnations.  The "suits" exist only long-enough to serve the incarnation's purpose.

Physically dying is a biological necessity, not only for the individual but to insure the continual vitality of the species.  Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewing energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into the flesh.  Death is not an end, but a transformation of consciousness.  Nature, with its changing seasons, constantly brings us that message.  Death is a part of us, even as birth is.  Its import varies according to the individual -- and in a certain fashion, death is our last chance to make a statement of import in any given life, if we feel we have not done so earlier.  People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own.  No person dies without a reason.
--  Roberts, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, pp. 23, 140, 164, 177

Death, especially of younger people or groups of persons, can be a protest against or call of attention to less than favorable conditions, via war, famine, disease, fire, structural failure, etc.  The value of a given death may not be obvious right away.

Death is not a failure to heal -- many persons do heal themselves of their emotional and psychological torments and thus die "healed."
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 247

Acceptance of one's death suspends the cultural concept of death.  Acceptance of death is a way of "agreeing quickly" with the great adversary.  The death concept is sustained only by the energy of resistance it can generate.  Acceptance of death doesn't grant "hostility" to the universe -- rather, it frees that universe from the fragmenting force of the death concept.  The universe is neither hostile nor friendly.  It just is, an open continuum given for interaction.  To be fully alive is to recognize the gift as given, and to accept and enter into this gift, without qualification.  Nothing more is required.
--  Pearce, Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, pp. 217, 205

The body is a miraculous organism, and we have barely learned the most simple of its structures.  We do not understand the properties of the soul or body, yet the body was given to us so that we could learn from it.  The properties of the earth (or other worlds) are meant to lead us into the nature of the soul.  We create physical reality, yet without knowing how we do so, so that the wondrous structure of the earth (or other world) itself is meant to lead us to question our own source.  Nature as we understand it is meant to be our teacher.  We are not its master.  The creator is not the master of one's creations.  One is simply their creator because the creator does not attempt to control.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 568

Honor the body, honor the mind, honor the spirit.
--  Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit, pg. 255

Physically speaking, our "purpose" is to help enrich the quality of existence in all of its dimensions.  Spiritually speaking, our "purpose" is to understand the qualities of love and creativity, to intellectually and psychically understand the sources of our being, and to lovingly create other dimensions of reality of which we are presently unaware.  In our thinking, in the quality of our thoughts, in their motion, we are indeed experimenting with a unique and a new kind of reality, forming other subjective worlds which will in their turn grow into consciousness and song, which will in their turn flower from a dream dimension into other ones.  We are learning to create new worlds.  In order to do so we have taken on many challenges...  All of our dreams somewhere waken, but when they do they waken with the desire for creativity themselves, and they are born of an innocent new intent.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pp. 238-239

This is not a completed or nearly complete subjective universe already there for us to explore; it is, instead, an ever-forming state of being, in which our present state of existence resides -- we creating it and it creating us.  Consciousness, a particular holographic quality of being, can flow through channels of the relatedness connecting all physical matter using the one basic language of love, practical daily identification, affection, mutual voice, and emotional expression, participation, direct cognition, and joyful psychic exploration.  Imagination being the wings of the intellect.  The range/size of this metaphorical bubble is not preordained -- it grows and further develops in a continual state of becoming throughout one's existence in whatever dimensions the Personality, never finished or completed, chooses to fulfill its potentials, as meaningful as what it purposely and intensely includes as well as what it without-a-care or further thought excludes.  Consciousness does not simply choose to be born physically at a certain place in time and space, but it also endows its physical organism ahead of time with certain inner triggers so that it will respond to those conditions in highly individualistic ways.  If we are participants in any event either large or small, we have chosen at this higher level to be there in each one of those.  And every child knows how to grow from a baby into an adult if the proper conditions are allowed.

When we realize that we create our personal and universal environment in concrete terms, that we can begin to create a private and universal environment much superior to the [present] one which is the result of haphazard and unenlightened constructions.
--  From Session 82, for August 27, 1964,
as quoted in Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 794

A wave which generates many bubbles

is an identity or Inner Self or Higher Self, a spiritual and psychological triumph, ever choosing its own clear unassailable focus from a myriad of probable realities which it is aware of.  That which includes what we think of as a soul or spirit.  It generates many incarnations (so-called past, present, future, and parallel lives), and is aware of the probable events in and constant interactions of their existences.  While each is independent and materialized into an entirely different background, they each embark upon the same kind of creative challenge and all reflect qualities of the identity which is, so to speak, their raw material.

Probable Selves are grown as a flower grows petals.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pg. 55

The personalities are born from the joy, vitality and creativity of the identity.  Each one of us creates our own physical reality, and, en masse, we create both the glories and the terrors that exist within our earthly (and other worldly) existence and these, whether we realize it or not, do not exist independently of us but are manifestations and extensions of our own psychological and psychic selves.  Our manipulations within the psychic environment -- including our expectations and beliefs -- are then automatically impressed on the physical mold.  We need to take responsibility for our creations, for we are exactly where we should be at every point in space and every moment in time.

"A group of cells forms an organ.  A group of selves forms a soul.  It is not that each of us does not have a soul to call our own.  We are a part of our soul.  It belongs to us, and us to it."
--  From Session 637,
as quoted in Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pg. 564

There are so many aspects of the identity that we need to create physical lives in which we can focus on particular abilities, and fulfill and enjoy them.  In doing so, we help ourselves and others, too, and add to the richness of being.  Each of these "psychic children" wants to develop its abilities in a particular manner, translating them into earth (or other world) experience, for example, in such a way that all other portions of the earth (or other worlds) are also benefited.  The Self is a multidimensional, infinite creative act, each minute probability of which being brought somewhere into actuality, existence, and fulfillment in its own reality, experiencing to the fullest those dimensions inherent to it.  Both the artist portrayed and the interactive media used, both the symbols employed and the messages and further developing intended.

We are subjectively "alive" before our birth.  We will be subjectively alive after our death.  Our subjective life is now interpreted through the specialized state of consciousness that we call the waking one, in which we recognize as real only experience that falls within certain space and time coordinates.  Our greater reality exists outside those coordinates, and so does the reality of the universe.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. One, pg. 220

The dream world, the mind, and the basic inner universe do exist... in what can be called the value climate of psychological reality.  This is the medium.  This takes the place of what we call space.  It is a quality which makes all existences and consciousness possible.  It is one of the most powerful principles behind or within the vitality that itself composes from itself all other phenomena.  The main attributes of the inner universe -- which apply to all the camouflage universes, as well -- are value fulfillment, energy transformation, spontaneity, and durability.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. Two, pp. 667-668

Value fulfillment is most difficult to describe, for it combines the nature of a loving presence -- a presence with the innate knowledge of its own divine complexity -- with a creative ability of infinite proportions that seeks to bring to fulfillment even the slightest, most distant portion of its own inverted complexity.  That is, each portion of energy is endowed with an inbuilt reach of creativity that seeks to fulfill its own potentials in all possible variations -- and in such a way that such a development also furthers the creative potentials of each other portion of reality.
--  Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 532

A current which generates waves

is an Oversoul, that from which many souls arise.  That which forms organizations of identities which grow in their own ways and learn to handle alternate moments of experience as they "mature" until they are Oversouls themselves.

The entire vast ocean

is God, the Supreme Being, All That Is, the Dao (Tao), Almighty Ultimate Master (AUM), Cosmic Consciousness/Awareness, the Infinite, the Ancient of Days, Infinite Intelligence, the Great Spirit, the Great Architect, the Creator, the I Am.  An energy gestalt or pyramid consciousness made up of and straddling all probable worlds and all probable variations on the most minute aspect in any and all realities, all of which exist now.

As the source of all realities and experience, is so psychologically complex, so multidimensionally creative, that it constantly surprises itself through freely granting itself its own full freedom -- or else be forever repeating, stagnating and self-defeating itself.  This basic unpredictability, only out of which can an infinite number of orders or ordered systems arise, then follows through on all levels of consciousness and being.  It is, itself, the invisible universe that is everywhere implied within our world, but that becomes manifest to our perception only through historic time.  All That Is has no one image, but is within all images, whether or not they are manifest.
--  Roberts, The "Unknown" Reality, Vol. One, pp. 56, 59;
Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 359

The true dimensions of a divine creativity would be unendurable for any one consciousness of whatever import, and so that splendor is infinitiely dimensionalized, worlds spirally outward with each 'moment' of a cosmic breath; with the separation of worlds a necessity; and with individual and mass comprehension always growing at such a rate that All That Is multiplies itself at microseconds, building both pasts and futures and other time scales we do not recognize.  Each is a reality in itself, with its own potentials, and with no individual consciousness, however minute, ever lost.
--  From Session 747, for May 14, 1975,
as quoted in Roberts, Dreams, "Evolution," and Value Fulfillment, Vol. Two, pg. 464

The eternal yet ever-new emergence and growth of all possible consciousness.

"I am a single drop; how can it be
That God, the whole ocean, floweth into me?"
--  Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)

The Hypothesis
Commentary  + Notes

© 2006-2020 by Robert J. Baran