"To Boldly Grow: Some Celluloid Bonsai (An Overview)"

Celluloid Bonsai I
ABS Article, Part I

Celluloid Bonsai II
ABS Article, Part II

Celluloid Bonsai III
Other Sightings

Celluloid Bonsai IV

Celluloid Bonsai V
In Video and Computer Games

Annual Breakdown
Videos of Teachers
+ / / / / / +
Video Series
Videos of Collections

This Page Last Updated: January 15, 2025

There are a few links to videos of bonsai teachers and other events which we have in various locations on this website.
For the benefit of this page, we present these links along with several others of equal interest, now gathered here:

Kenchi Abe, 2015 demonstration .

Will Baddeley (b.c.1964), 2020 Interview.

Vaughn Banting (1947-2008) 1988 demonstration and
1990 demonstration with Guy Guidry and Brian Hoerner.

David Benavente (b.1973), 2011 demonstration , styling a pine and 2015 demonstration.

Bjorn Bjorholm (b.1986), 2013 demonstration and critique, and 2015 demonstration.

Enrique Castaño, 2013 Video .

Ian Melville Clark, Bonsai Trees Aka Bonzai Trees 1961.

Dale Cochoy (1949-2018), Carving Demo Midwest Bonsai Society 2011 Part 1 and Part 2.

Dr. John Creech (1920-2009), 1975 Documentary Bonsai Fly to U.S.A. with English subtitles.

Toichi Domoto (1902-2001), 1976 video interview (about 2/3 the way down the page).

Jim Doyle (b.1951), 2010 Video and comparison of American and European bonsai scene.

Osamu Hidaka, 2003 television report  including ceramist Shugo Izumi,
2006 demonstration, Part I and Part II , and 2012 demonstration .

Marco Invernizzi (b.1975), 2002 interview , 2003 interview , 2004 interview , 2004 demonstration , and 2015 demonstration.

Daizo Iwasaki (c.1917-2011), interview, with English subtitles.

Arthur Joura (b.1957), bonsai creation explanation, bald cypress styling,
2012 demonstration and another.

Haruo "Papa" Kaneshiro (1907-1991), video interview.

Saburō Katō (1915-2008), 2005 video with some English translation and interview with English subtitles.

Takeo Kawabe (b.1946), 2006 demonstration and in his garden with some translation.

Masahiko Kimura (b.1940), a recent excellent interview by Bonsai Empire, Lindsay Farr's World of Bonsai - episode 4,
Lindsay Farr's World of Bonsai - episode 5 (the 0:53 to 2:30 mark), a demonstration , and
interview , with English subtitles (student Ryan Neil interviewed from 3:00 mark to 5:15),
"The World of" Part I , Part II , and (shorter) Part III , and
WABI Channel episode.

Kunio Kobayashi (b.1948), a 2008 demonstration and another , and a 2018 interview , with English subtitles.

Dorothy Koreshoff (b.1930), 30 Oct 2009 AUDIO ONLY interview.

Lu Zhei Wei, Lingnan penjing techniques with English subtitles.

Mary Madison (1929-2021), interview in 2016 and demonstration in 2018.

Boon Manakitivipart (b.1960), 2010 demonstration at Noelanders Trophy XI Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and here.

Pedro Morales (b.1961), demonstration (poor video quality) and here .

Roy Nagatoshi (b.1943), 2008 demo Part I with some English and Part II with some English, both parts with Roberto Gerpe.

John Naka (1914-2004), A Celebration of Heroes (beginning at the 3:35 mark, with some commentary by Mel Ikeda),
a series of short clips with transcripts and John Naka Repotting Goshin (1995), and
footage (video © Craig Coussins) of John in Scotland (1984).

Shinichi Nakajima (b.1948), 2007 demonstration with some .

Ryan Neil (b.1981), 2011 demo at the Noelanders Trophy and 2013 show critique,
2013 lecture on pines, pine progression, 2015 demonstration, as a young apprentice beginning at the 6:05 mark,
2019 choosing nursery plant material, excellent thoughts and observations.

David Nguy (b.1951), 2017 demo.

Ben Oki (1927-2018), a life of bonsai, discussing John Naka while working on a demo tree, and briefly the difference between bonsai and plastic-sai..

Walter Pall (b.1944), 2007 demo in Croatia (1 of 4) with translation, 2010 demonstration at Noelanders Trophy XI,
2010 talk on modern substrates, differences between Japanese and European styles,
2012 critique, 2014 dual demonstration with Jim Doyle, and 2025 Traditional vs. Naturalistic Bonsai Styles.

Jennifer Price, 2017 Generation Bonsai Juniper, 2017 Generation Bonsai Picea, 2022 Crape Myrtle Workshop, and 2022 Bonsai & Coffee interview.

Milagros Rauber, 2008 demonstration .

Dan Robinson (b.1939), a brief bonsai primer, 2012 demonstration, 2013 demonstration, late 2022 tour of his garden continued here and here also.

Gabriel Romero, 2005 demonstration and 2008 demonstration .

F. Chase Rosade (b.1935), 2009 demonstration Part 1 with translation and Part 2 with translation.

Harold Sasaki (b.1936), at Denver Botanic Garden`.

Kathy Shaner, at the Lake Merrit Bonsai Garden in Oakland, CA.

Mauro Stemberger (b.1978), 2015 pine demonstration and here, and 2016 pine demonstration.

Shinji Suzuki (b.c.1968), his life in the year 2000 (long but very well-worth watching in its entirety) and briefer 2010 demonstration.

Hiroshi Takeyama (b.1942), interview, with English subtitles.

Hotsumi Terakawa (b.1962), 1999 demonstration with English, 2005 workshop with English, and a brief 2007 demonstration.

Lionel John Theron (1935-2020), Bonsai at Bishopsford South Africa, "Talking to Trees".

Tony Tickle (b.1956), talk about the Esacallonia tree and here, and 2020 interview here.

Ed Trout (b.1946), 2018 tour of his home and yard, juniper demo at The Bonsai Supply in 2018, and critique at the Broward Bonsai Society Annual Show 2019.

Taiga Urushibata, 2015 demonstration.

Jack Wikle (b.1932), American Bonsai Artist in His Own Words (2022).

Xu Xiaobai (1909-2006), Lindsay Farr's World of Bonsai - episode 3 (the 7:40 to 9:16 mark) some with English and English subtitles.

Kaori Yamada (b.1978), Lindsay Farr's World of Bonsai - episode 3 (the 1:20 to 3:40 mark) with English subtitles
and piece from TV at Seiko-en and during a Saika Bonsai workshop.

Yuji Yoshimura (1921-1997), three short videos from demonstrations at the U.S National Arboretum, March 1994, here, here, and here.

* * * * * * * * *

The oldest known footage of bonsai: in 1911 British Pathé made a brief film about "Tiny timber, The Art of the Dwarf Tree from Old Japan."
Unfortunately the decomposition of the nitrate stock has severely damaged the film, but some trees can still be made out in this 1:18 segment.

Footage from 1956 of Kadokura Mitsuzou's garden in Omiya (which no longer exists).  This begins with greeting visitors at the Omiya train station.  Video is in color from 3:27 mark to 6:23, and from 9:22 to the end (13:31).
Compare this with stills from this 2018 Bonsai Mirai post.

An eight-minute video overview of the 90th Kokufu Ten, 2016 by Bjorvala Bonsai Studio,

A look at the bonsai in the Jianguo Holiday Flower Market in Taipei, Taiwan,

And this interesting nod from early 2016 to the current young teachers and artists:

* * * * * * * * *

As we locate additional notable videos we will link them here, even if they are not mentioned elsewhere in this site.

In addition, there have been a few series entirely dedicated to bonsai.  These include:

1978 -- John Naka conducted 51 shows for Television Bonsai School, KSCI Los Angeles, Channel 18, the year-old non-profit independent station which targeted Asian Americans, and had most of its programming in Asian languages.   (Elias, Thomas S.  "John Yoshio Naka: The Life and Times of the Bonsai Master," Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. 44, No. 1, January-March 2005, pg. 19)

1984, May 20 -- The first episode of a 13-part series "The Art of Chinese Bonsai in Taiwan" was broadcast on public television there.  The narration was provided by Prof. Amy Liang and the series was originally shown over a four month period.  Part of a government sponsored national plant-beautification project, the series was re-telecast due to an overwhelming viewer response.   (The Living Art of Bonsai by Amy Liang, Sterling, 1992, pg. 106)

2001, March 4 -- The first 30-minute episode of the 13-part  "Lindsay Farr's The Way of Bonsai" aired in Australia on Foxtel Lifestyle TV.  This was the first English language series entirely about bonsai.  A companion web site was also established.  [Viewers would tell the presenter and co-producer Farr that they "have found a greater strength of resolve towards their individual expression through Bonsai.  An insight into the origins and philosophy seems to better enable this."   (Linsay Farr in personal e-mails to RJB on October 15, 2000 through  January 26, 2002, and March 20, 2005 to change URL.)

2006, June 1 -- Lindsay Farr of Australia launched the World Of Bonsai project's downloadable videos.  Each biweekly episode is approximately 10 minutes long and includes material filmed in Japan recently and in China a few years previously.  Persons interviewed include Hiroshi Takeyama (Chairman of the Nippon Bonsai Association), Masahiko Kimura, Toshifumi Obitsu, Yangzhou's Master Lin, the late Master Xu Xiaobai, and Masahiro Kurihara.  Japanese production nurseries are seen, as well as the bonsai pot factories and kilns in Yixing, China.  "The new series has me in an inspired communication mode.  This is so much more than a tv program about bonsai could ever be.  Because the users must download the program they acknowledge a real interest in the subject matter.  No dumbing down required.  The content is awesome.  Much of it in Japanese with english subtitles...  I believe it can be as entertaining and informative to the learned scholar as it is to the newby."  The 20-part series is permanently archived.  Another location for downloading is here.   (personal e-mails from Lindsay to RJB on May 20, May 22, and Jul 31, 2006)

c.2006 -- MXTV in Tokyo has a weekly TV show that features bonsai styling and care.  See http://www.mxtv.co.jp/bonsai/index.html   (per November 8th, 2006, 08:06 AM posting on http://bonsainut.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-59.html)

2009, October 1 -- Lindsay Farr launched the WorldOfBonsai, Series 2 downloadable videos.  Again, each episode is approximately 10 minutes long.

Previously we had here a few videos of some permanent collections.

This selection has been superceded by this definitive new page in progress, Permanent Collections.

See also assorted convention and exhibition videos.

Celluloid Bonsai I
ABS Article, Part I

Celluloid Bonsai II
ABS Article, Part II

Celluloid Bonsai III
Other Sightings

Celluloid Bonsai IV

Celluloid Bonsai V
In Video and
Computer Games

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