Getting e-mail access to the Internet in April 1999 also gave me 5MB of space for a personal website. I didn't have that much to talk about for myself, but, hey, I did know of this one gardening club, and maybe I could also squeeze in a few things from my "big history" project... And so it began as (I tweaked the template background color a couple of times to lighten it up.) The amount of space available over time rose to 10MB, then 20MB, and now has jumped to what was once an almost unimaginable 1GB+. From the very start I searched for additional info on ideal website construction and incorporated the standard Top 10 Tips -- the main reason there were no appreciable graphics on our home page until the summer of 2010. (Oh, other than the "dancing pyramid" .gif ![]() Versions of Netscape Composer had been used for the now first third of the html incarnation of the history (1999 to mid-January 2006). Arachnophilia 5.2 was then adopted when I had a computer switch, to be replaced by CoffeeCup in June 2012 with another computer switch -- Arachnophilia just wouldn't work on the new machine for some reason, although I did try. Similarly, my computer backups were done on small floppy diskettes until the 2006 machine change-over when thumb drives were then used and an external hard drive was added in 2012. Similarly, to get the html published via FTP client software, I've used [at least one now forgotten FTP and then] FileZilla and now WinSCP. At the beginning of May 1999 I attended the ABS Symposium down the road in Tucson. This is where I started discussing our new website and, with a few of the ABS folks, what turned out to be the first but unpublished version of The Bonsai Coloring Book. A sifting of info from Designing Dwarfs for a planned eventual John Naka obituary -- something many newspapers and magazines have pre-written -- was thankfully and quickly reworked by early May 1999 as an ongoing biography (early archive copy linked here). What was meant to be a series of other master bios resulted in the life stories of Yoshimura (by August 1999, early archive copy linked here), Katō (by October, early archive copy linked here), and Murata (by December, early archive copy linked here). A few other masters' stories were early drafted but never followed through with. A visitor counter was added by late May. My ABS articles were reproduced on the site upon receipt of permission from then ABS editor Jill Hurd. (My son Andrew, almost 9 at the time, actually did the rough typing of those articles which I then put into the HTML format.) By September 1999 we had English Language Bonsai Bibliographies, Pre-1945, Post-1945, and my thesis of the history as The Big Picture (early archive copies linked here). October saw the first listings of the Books and Magazines (early archive copies linked here). During the next couple of months the entries for the books were color-coded by a (somewhat arbitrary) category system. In response to a Chris Cochrane e-mail about the number of books I had listed, I overestimated severely -- I think I unconsciously added the number of clubs I had once tallied. When I did an actual count soon after and realized my mistake, I began the analysis which since about November 2002 has been on that page. I keep the complete detailed breakdown on a private Excel spreadsheet. As new additions to the list require a complete retotaling which is then transferred to the web page and double-checked by hand-held calculator, I wait until I have several titles before doing an update. In January 2000 we saw lectures before the Phoenix Club by both Cindy Read and pre-apprentice Michael Hagedorn. Michael's was particularly memorable: all about the making of pots, starting with a great description of what clay is at the microscopic level. One year later, Mary and Peter Bloomer of Flagstaff gave us an excellent slide presentation on suiseki, viewing stones. A Site Map (early archive copy linked here) was in place by this time and pages were duly annotated/documented with either "NEW xx/xx/xxxx" or "ADDED TO xx/xx/xxxx." (Over the next few years I would fill in the missing dates for existing pages.) By March 2000 came the first version of what may possibly have been seen as a very audacious project, the Bonsai Book of Days (early archive copy linked here). The inspiration for this MAY have been from the memory of a parochial elementary school reading of some long-forgotten Catholic Saints Book of Days... (I know it was not Chamber's book.) In late October at the State Fair in Phoenix that year, I did the commentary for club president Ernie Hasan's demonstration on a 3-gallon nursery specimen of Japanese or Wax-leaf privet (Ligustrum japonicum) in the basement of the Phoenix Veterans Coliseum.
A month later came Origins of Some of the Terms (early archive copy linked here). (About a year later I came upon a site elsewhere on the Internet that had an older but less ambitious listing of Chinese and English words.) The previous spring I had looked into and gotten the domain, and by early December that is where our website resided. By January 2001 came Japanese Portrayals in Paintings and Woodblock Prints -- apparently the first time anywhere side-by-side representations were shown (early archive copy linked here). About this time I was starting to add club history highlights from and that which came after Designing Dwarfs, plus a little bit of older material that never made it into that text. Chinese Portrayals would come in March (early archive copy linked here), as well as a Site Search engine. November 2001 saw the first listing of online club newsletters (early archive copy linked here). Also the listing of Chinese Schools and Styles (early archive copy linked here) -- which Scottish teacher Craig Coussins quickly stumbled upon and which text with my permission, of course, was slightly modified for use in his book The Bonsai School a little more than a year later. I still remember the awe I felt when I saw my material in Craig's book. He had included pictures of representative trees of the various Chinese styles which I had there verbally. It was both a familiar and yet a surprisingly new article that I saw. And the new year then saw my centennial publication of the first European-language work entirely about bonsai.
March 2002 saw the splitting of John Naka's bio into two [more easily readable] parts -- it was later split further -- plus the first of Some of What We Don't Know About the History of Magical Miniature Landscapes (early archive copies linked here). (A number of "Don't Knows" actually were scribbled down initially while I was in line at the bank prior to my late March household move from the Phoenix area up to Kingman with my third wife. You just never know when and where insights will pour out... Several times since then I would have to get out of bed at night before falling asleep in order to jot down a headful of thoughts about what we Don't Know and other subjects, so that I could then forget about them and go to sleep. While reading other subjects, I often have been able to take away non-horticultural concepts and turn them into questions eligible for "Don't Know." The "pre-sleep download" has taken place for several sections, including the Assumptions Used on this Website portion of the MML start page.) Momentary paradigm-shift: has a small part of this been "channeling" of anonymous bonsai teachers who are on the "other side of the veil"?!?) By this time I also had started compiling a Site Kudos page (early archive copy linked here) to document others' references to the material on our website. Over the years as the page has grown, I've referred to it as a reminder that the scribblings on this obscure interest of mine are seen and made use of by a wide variety of persons and, thus, this several-decade-project does have objective worth. In May 2002, I was fortunate enough to attend the International Scholarly Symposium on Bonsai and Viewing Stones at the National Arboretum in Washington, D.C. (The initial date was to be October 2001, but the events of 9-11 resulted in the Symposium being postponed seven months). There I was able to interview Jerry Stowell (whom I had corresponded with by postage mail twice in 2000), Ted Tsukiyama, and Doris Froning. While having lunch with such persons as Marty Klein, John Romano, Chris Cochrane, and Marco Favero (of Italy) -- some of the people I knew from the Internet Bonsai Club -- I was able to meet John Naka, again, and Saburō Katō for the first time. And I had a chance to briefly act as a doyen at the Bonsai and Penjing Museum when I spontaneously took twenty minutes to explain a few of the fine points of bonsai to three or four people who were wandering by Goshin at the moment I was passing by that famous forest of John Naka's and who were engaging in a range of speculation on their own about that work. (This was my second visit to Goshin, see photo above for first visit.) I was interviewed for a local interest article: "Meet Your Neighbors: Baran cultivates interest in bonsai plants" by Terry Organ, Kingman Daily Miner, Kingman, AZ, February 17, 2003, pg. 3.
During the Mohave County Home and Garden Shows in Kingman during mid-March 2003 and 2004 and a few meetings the following summers, I talked about and demonstrated on bonsai basics, including history. The demonstrations were something I came up with that I had never heard of previously: at least half a dozen people each time who had no significant previous experience with bonsai were actually doing hands-on potting for themselves of little Ficus benjamina while I was giving the talk. The modest cost of the tree and pot was of no concern to those so interested. A few people who were interested enough to stick with it continue the art/hobby in northwestern Arizona, but there apparently wasn't enough steam to get a club continuing there. |
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Conducting a hands-on lecture/workshop at the March 2003 Home & Garden Expo in Kingman, Arizona. |
Conducting a hands-on lecture/workshop at the March 2004 Home & Garden Expo in Kingman, Arizona. |
My earlier collecting of postage stamps begun in the mid-1960s -- especially
of space-related images -- also had several from China which included a few with bonsai/penjing. Some of the
postage stamps'
image scans used on this website (from October 1999 on) were also e-mailed to me because of the others seen on
the site (early archive copy linked here). A listing of specifically
fraudulent stamps
was started in May 2005 (early archive copy linked here). (I am aware of the arguments about not depicting
such issues. However, the graphics I have for these are definitely not mint-quality for further illegal
replication, and the authority source text is not detailed enough for complete identification. This is
an educational website.)
By the end of 2003 we had the first Magazine Covers, and the first historical Anomalies (early archive copies linked here). In late October 2004 I started searching the Library of Congress online links to the Memory of America project for optically scanned issues of periodicals from the 19th century. Several early article references to dwarf trees were discovered there and typed/proofed on to this site. A number of times a year or so I'll spend a few hours looking on the Internet for useful additional background for any of the material already here on this site. That's basically where updates come from. BTW, I have mixed feelings when I enter a search phrase/person's name and our site comes up as the only result. Yes, I am glad that this website is so authoritative on the subject; but, no, when I am searching I want some new information! Growing up I did read a few history and archaeology texts -- most memorable was C.W. Ceram's Gods, Graves and Scholars. Archaeology was considered one of my career paths in grade school. (Life happened and I chose marine biology in high school, which became Radio-TV-Film due to college choice based on family budget during the recession, which was then interrupted by the real world after three years.) My childhood home, because of my parents, received National Geographic and Life magazines, as well as Look, Popular Mechanics, and Popular Science. I later became a fan of Smithsonian magazine and Science News. Early on I had become the family historian, both as genealogist and keeper of some old headline newspapers and magazines. (A four-page typewritten manuscript compiled sometime in 1971 by a distant cousin told the story of my maternal grandmother's mother's family in Austria-Hungary dating back to the eleventh century. When I was given a copy of this, I traced the family's household moves and matched some of them up with historical Turkish invasions, for instance. Most of the references to the Turdossy family line on the Internet, by the way, apparently originated from other people's copies of that four-page document.) My note-taking and article-clipping days go back to grade school, memorably including David Dietz's syndicated newspaper science column. Numerous newspaper and magazine articles became dust in an un-cooled closed-down office in Phoenix during a summer c.1976. I started clipping again with a passion and a decade later I had a private classification system for a couple hundred folders' worth of material. My interest in Japan dates back to grade school when my uncle -- the same one as mentioned above -- sent home a few [non-bonsai] items from Japan during his short military posting there. (I found the Reader's Digest Murata article a couple years later.) My interest in things Chinese probably dates from a decade further on. Over the years various projects I've worked on have made me aware of some of the promise and perils of research and translation, including some extensive genealogical historical studies. In the past three decades or so I've read occasional in-print or electronic articles regarding writing and researching history to specifically help me stay focused. I had no formal history training after the standard classes in college. Also, I devour works on legitimate historical revision, history trivia, debunking of pseudohistory, and archaeological discoveries around the world -- officially recognized or not. There has also been exposure over time to various broadcast or recorded programs from the Public Broadcasting System, the History Channel, A&E, the Discovery Channel, and so forth. Plus, it is not so much academic knowledge as just understanding what it is that I have been doing for thirty-seven years in compiling this history. The hundreds of articles and hundreds of books I've looked at do have their own patterns and flows, sometimes immediately evident, sometimes made aware of during meditation upon a different book. I take a variety of notes and make some photocopies in addition to my high memory-retrieval rate. My horticultural interest started also during grade school when I helped my dad with his vegetable garden at our house in the Cleveland suburb of Seven Hills. (My mom's father also had a vegetable garden, but he passed away when I was six years old so my memories of him were brief.) Dad's garden of a few hundred square feet (as best as I can remember) extended slightly off the property into an undeveloped section of woods, and when I discovered bonsai at the end of the decade, my first field-collected specimens were a couple of about foot-tall red maple saplings from those woods. A young beech growing alongside a much larger and mature "Gray root" specimen never got to be collected by me -- probably for the better. The woods were over hundred acres, I guess, just south of Rockside Rd., with oak and maple trees, in particular. One section was actually an overgrown portion of pioneer property with the remnants of a split-rail fence now deep in the woods. Large dark weather-varnished sandstone slabs dotted the ground in a few places, amid the ferns, vines, goldenrod, Queen's Anne lace, a few wild strawberries and dwarf roses, and many other types of plants I remember. Robins, cardinals, blue jays, wrens, and crows flew above, along with bumblebees, honey bees, lightning bugs, swallowtail butterflies, and mosquitos; salamanders, frogs, garter snakes, chipmonks and squirrels scampered below, along with isopods, earthworms, big black crickets, and daddy longlegs. A continuously running storm sewer emptied out into stones, sand and old concrete segments to be filtered and end up a quarter mile away in a small pond with cattails, raspberries, frogs eggs, and a small patch of clay. Many hours and week-ends were spent in the woods during those "innocent" days of the suburban 1960s, either by myself or accompanied by the family dog. (I understand that some of the woods were torn down when the previously incomplete street -- cleared earlier but unpaved and thus known by us as "the Path" -- to the north of our old house was eventually developed. Of course, it has been over fifty years since we moved from the Cleveland area. I was back only twice during that time, and neither visit allowed me to see the old neighborhood. I've since viewed it on occasion via GoogleMaps -- and as the saying goes, "you can't go home again" to the way it used to be...) My gardening with dad continued with our family's move to Phoenix, and years later I had my son Andrew and niece Patricia (b. 1984 to my older brother Michael) help me with some spring planting in dad's garden. (When I set up a Facebook account in 2008 and friended Patricia, she would remind me of her pleasant memories of that.) Andrew grew up with my mostly apartment balcony bonsai collections, and he helped a few times here after we were settled in Colorado with my own vegetable garden (now up to over 1,500 square feet/140 sq meters -- larger than the floorplan of our small rental house). In 2016 my son grew some veggies on his own apartment balcony, and he did a slightly larger -- but less successful -- spread the following year. A new round two years ago included an attempt with a blueberry bush, as he was also doing last year with indoor-started seeds again. Meanwhile my son Kenny (b. 1989), daughter Raechel (b. 1996), and their niece, granddaughter Alice (b. 2014) have helped me in my garden at various times over the past few years, laying down memories in their own ways. The written sources I do check out are basically approached two ways: either a book or article is known or suspected to have some of this history in it or else the material is believed at least to have useful general background info. Either of these two sources might contain illustrations of bonsai portrayals. I have looked at scores of art and landscape books while searching for previously unseen pictures -- again, primarily about Chinese or Japanese collections or subjects. Titles or persons mentioned in any of the above are then looked up on the Internet for additional details. If additional details are to be found or seem to be found in new books or articles, these are then researched similarly. And the hunt can begin again. Many times I have had one or two more titles to be ordered through the InterLibrary Loan system...) Plus, the Internet can be a wonderful source of material on innumerable subjects -- judiciously considered, especially in light of my past researches and readings. Facebook has provided me with a few additional portrayals, but usually without any significant background data. Regarding A Suggested Timeline for the Development of Magical Miniature Landscapes (early archive copy linked here), "Last November [2004] I started building this particular web page based on key notes from my unpublished manuscript/researches. I decided I needed to then have the footnotes available in order to continue the unwritten theme I've used in creating this website: a well-documented and detailed exploration. (In the 1960s and 70s issues of the bonsai magazines, there were so many short articles/space fillers rehashing just a few points of the history. Shortly after I started my researches I learned that I had come upon info not previously published in these articles or books, so I continued...) I initially realized that many of the chronology notes were from sections [of my manuscript] whose citations had been grouped by chapter, essentially blending the origin of the specific points. So, I started to comb through all my old notes, earlier drafts and assorted photocopies of source material gathered since early 1986. Only the other day I decided that the motivation to complete this was by putting what I had right now on the web. So I did a 'final push' yesterday and published what I had. "I know additional points will further flesh out this chronology which is, I suppose to be technical, my working hypothesis on how magical miniature landscapes developed out of the various suggested cultural sources to be what it is today." from RJB's e-mail to Marty Haber, May 23, 2005, after Marty complimented the page. The three column format mirrored a tri-fold heavy cardboard poster (each section 28"W x 44"H or 71.1cm W x 111.8cm H), similarly headed, which I used for my second talk before the Phoenix club. (That poster for many years was sitting less than 2 feet/61 cm away from me as I typed this...) [The second significant and major corporate history I worked on was for a county-owned regional medical center where I worked from June 2002 through June 2005. I'm sure I used some of the skills developed for this bonsai website in the detailed researching of that Kingman tale. Looking back, I realize that there were a few different fonts employed in that hospital website which I never had the chance to standardize.] In mid-August 2005 I finished the first version of the ongoing background story to this research, On the Creative Process of Compiling This History (this present page you are now reading, which I first started to draft in late May 2003 -- early archive copy linked here). This page and the Timeline are examples of how this website is like my virtual bonsai: a little bit of work over a long period of time adds up. And I followed it with a new page: many books, articles and sites mention the early international expositions (Paris and London, usually) that had bonsai on display, but my studies show it wasn't that short and simple -- or accurately repeated. This was another "A-ha! Why don't I set the record straight?" moment. And so it was created, hyperlinked and published: Expositions Known to Have Had Bonsai Present (early archive copy linked here). In late August we switched to double alpha designations for the various languages in the books listing. And the following month I joined the local Pikes Peak Bonsai Society, having moved with my fourth/final/best wife Shirley and family to the Colorado Springs area at the very end of June. (Way back when, life was very naïvely "supposed" to be simple or at least straight-forward: graduate college, meet a nice woman, settle down, work just a few jobs during my life, retire in relative comfort. Life does/did not turn out anything like that. And I am thinking it is/was so much better the way it actually happens/happened... Just like in parallel universes where I am variously an award-winning paleontologist or marine biologist or special effects make-up artist or science fiction author...) What is hoped to be the [slow] start of a database log of Dreams we've had involving our past, present and future bonsai was published. Take a look and let me know if you would like to contribute something. The Kokufu-ten page was not originally meant to be the definitive source of info for that prestigious bonsai exhibition (early archive copy linked here). In late September 2005 I started to put together a quickie table-chart to list in which year which number show took place. I soon discovered that, as I went backwards from the 80th show scheduled in 2006, the numbering was confounded in the 1950s and earlier. An e-mail to Dr. Tom Elias of the National Arboretum received a partial answer. I started to add in the bits and pieces of Kokufu history of which I knew. A copy of the numbering list which I had sent to Dr. Tom I then sent to William N. Valavanis in late October. Much to my pleasant surprise, this started a veritable flood of information from Bill in his e-mails back-and-forth to me, along with album cover images. Sometime in November the first official version of this page was published on the web site. Bill was able to find a few more dated shows and I did also from my ongoing researches. He then asked that I re-send him on February 7, 2006 a list of questions about the show which he would have with him in Tokyo for which he would then get the answers. This was dutifully accomplished, and I am very grateful that he was able to work into his busy schedule (leading a tour of some 43 persons) the sending of some answers to me. The Kokufu-ten page was being updated during the show in near real-time. Upon his return Bill e-mailed me some photos he had taken and several of these I added to the pages. And so these pages now provide much more info about this grand show than had been previously gathered in any other medium or language. That is the essence of what I've been working to achieve on this website. (Sometime in 2014 I added the byline "Compiled by Robert J. Baran." By February 2015 I had added "with William N. Valavanis" to the byline.) (Nowadays, by early February I move the previous year's Kokufu-sho award winner photos to the Some Photos page, but don't republish it yet. When Bill Valavanis now blogs several times from the show, I "harvest" the appropriate photos and text, add them to the main two pages, and then republish. In the last few years other travelling enthusiasts have also started adding important graphic details, mostly via Facebook.) It was during the end of 2005 that The Bonsai Coloring Book came to fruition.
A multi-page index to the Book of Days also dates from the end of 2005. This invaluable device helped to remind me of what entries I had already compiled and to discover a few shared patterns.) My writing and research on this current website has redirected most of my interest in writing articles on this subject for outside sources. I never was a quickie, filler or fluff article writer: I admit that my articles are usually concentrated and require more than one reading to digest. With web publishing, typo corrections and updates can be made literally at any time of day and as often as I want. A topic can be expanded upon and/or hyperlinked without concern of page size or printing schedules, and thus this version of the "Big History" is much more fluid and comprehensive than even a looseleaf print version could have been some twenty years or more ago if the history had been chosen for publication then. It is conceivable that at some point I could gather all the immutable pages together, such as the historical articles, and get them published in hard copy form for ready-reference by anyone so interested. I agree that for much of that type of material a book-in-hand format with proper indexing would be easier and quicker to check, compared with going online. There have been a few times that I've briefly discussed an in-print version -- specifically with Jim Lewis and Chris Cochrane, among others. A local college press was suggested as perhaps the best option. We will see... If I come upon news of a recent event I can include it, along with a whole range of relevant details. One of many times that I demonstrated this to myself, for example, was with the May 11, 2001 Boldly Grow entry for "Wall$treet Week with Louis Rukeyser" (early archive copy linked here). Within a half hour of my seeing this with bonsai set décor, this was listed on the website and worldwide on the Internet. And, a few times, minor corrections received by e-mail were applied within an hour of my checking my mail. This site, in its own very small and modest way, is exploring the modern compiling of [ancient] history. In an e-mail Bill Valavanis sent me on June 19, 2006, he included the lines: "Please keep up your good work. Now that [Hideo] Marushima is gone [died on April 14], you are the only [major] bonsai historian..." A humbling moment for me. One project I was working on (beginning July 2006) was something for the American Bonsai Society's new booklet series. The version of the history of dwarfed potted trees I was doing for them takes a little different approach to the subject than what is mostly found on this present website. The print date was supposed to have been February 2007, but when I submitted the material at the end of December I coincidentally received an e-mail stating that ABS had put future booklets on hold due to financial constraints. The process of assembling the material in a different fashion, anyway, caused me to see new connections and to look more closely at less obvious data in the older articles. (I would happen to meet with the ABS president at the June 2012 Denver convention and relate the history of my booklet. He'd ask me to send him my manuscript for it. Making just a few updates, I would, but he'd respond that the format was different but a little jarring. I'd start to put the material into standard chronological order, but then realized that with the various projects I had going and several renderings of the history of bonsai and related arts that I had put on-line, my heart was not into doing another rendering right now. So I'd respond cordially and he'd leave the door open for me if and when I changed my mind later. UPDATE: this manuscript would be revisited by me in October 2024.) Another project was a massive addition to Japanese Portrayals, courtesy of researcher Horst Graebner. Over 4 dozen images have been added, all from the hand of the woodblock artist Kunisada. Several trees snow-covered in winter; several new varieties not previously seen in prints. An important broadening of our idea of dwarfed potted trees from c.1820-1868. This is now "completed." Then in November 2006 I finally started to venture into Google Books, a vast resource of digitalized public domain works. Several additional early mentions of either Chinese or Japanese dwarf potted trees have been found, and these are being added to this site over time. Very basically, after I locate a reference, I go to the Plain Text version and cut and paste what I need to a special long document I keep. Illustrations are saved to the appropriate file on my computer and I used either the programs Photo Editor or Picasa or Paint to do slight touch-up if necessary. (In the interest of full-disclosure, there is only one illustration -- now on -- which I altered. A picture from one of the Matsuri's was usable -- except for a vertical line lining up, uh, inappropriately with one of the people in that image. I painted the line out and no one apparently knows the better. I have "corrected" the color and saturation of many pictures, and I have done a little cropping of some, but I have never altered any other graphic. I do not even know how to use Photoshop or any similar software. "And that is all I'm going to say about that.") Anyway, the URL is then saved. When I am ready to add the page to the web-site, I find a suitable existing page for use as a model, save it to a new title, and proceed to make general changes. Copying the text to the web page, I split long page lines and replace certain punctuation that won't copy correctly. (This page is a valuable asset for correct characters.) Line break code is added as well as paragraph breaks and indents. Next, I add in the illustrations with any captions. At this point I will start to proof the web page against the original text. Hyperlinks, notes with cross-references to existing articles, and biographies get added. Add it to pre-1945 Bibliography, and/or Travellers pages and I am ready to publish it all. Small articles could be done in one long sitting, while larger articles may take several different days. Google Books also led me to check Fa-ti Fan's 2004 British Naturalists in Qing China: Science, Empire, and Cultural Encounter. A spin-off from studying this book via InterLibrary Loan is a page here listing dwarf trees actually seen in England. A similar page for France was also compiled. And sometime I may do the same for other countries. My cornucopia of early references to dwarf potted trees in China or Japan continues to pour out with additional insight into what really was announced about these. I've had to become more critical of what I include, although I may make a catch-all page for very brief (= single sentence) references which are otherwise not stand-alone worthy. An Internet Bonsai Club mention in February 2007 of an upcoming celebration of 100 years of bonsai in Germany led me to the site about that. With some Babel Fish machine translation help, I focused my search on Georg Meister who has now predated Kaempfer in briefly writing about Japanese dwarf potted trees to a European audience (1692--1727). That page then ended up being referenced in IBC when the event took place in June. And a commemorative book in German has now raised the bar for further research. (Details on a second person, J.H. Seidel from 1803, have been added, along with a search for his specific mention of Chinese dwarf potted trees.) Research in Google Books would lead me in late 2008 to Peter Mundy's earlier 1637 reference in English (although the actual historical journal entry was not [widely?] published until 1919.) A series of e-mails in May 2007 led me to being gifted by former BCI president Alan Walker a whole collection of digital photos of bonsai people which he had taken or otherwise come into possession of during the previous several years. These he is graciously allowing me to add throughout this site to greatly enhance the tales herein, especially in the Book of Days project. In May and June I added the break-downs of several of the kanji used in the Origins of Some of the Terms. While doing an educational poster in late January 2008 based on text I had originally written as the pp. 1 & 2 introduction in Designing Dwarfs in the Desert, I thought about the line "Our interest in this is now shared by others acting either alone or associated with some eight hundred clubs in over seventy countries and territories." How many locations was bonsai in? I made a quick list and temporarily left it at about eighty. Two months later, thinking about this further, I started doing research in my collection of specialty-magazine back issues (some of ABS Journal, BCI Bonsai Magazine, International Bonsai, Bonsai Today, and a few others with just an issue or two).
A preliminary new web page began to be fleshed out. In May while writing the bottom of the page apology for certain arbitrary definitions, I realized that I needed to be more detailed with the individual states and provinces listed for at least some of the countries. I returned to the back issues and additional pages were made. By early September the first draft of this section was ready for publication and announced on a few key web sites (early archive copy linked here). It was soon after this time that links to that section and the Book of Days were added to our home page (early archive copy linked here). Additional forums for bonsai enthusiasts around the world had also been added here. In March 2008, a former work-colleague of mine in Phoenix, Jim Robinson, interested me in Facebook. Over these years I've accumulated quite a number of "friends" from around the world, who nowadays occasionally get to see images of what I consider to be noticeable and extraordinary examples of bonsai (and members of the related arts) as shared from the numerous posts I see. With proper cross-referencing and discretion, Facebook is also a constant source of various research data.
At the February 2009 meeting, the Pikes Peak Bonsai Society had a class which was the hands-on making of custom pots with clay that the club had purchased. The pieces were slow-drying, would be fired in a few weeks, and be ready for taking home in April. This workshop would be repeated the next two years. Making decent-sized and attractive pots definitely requires a bit of practice, we learned. At the end of June 2009 I joined the Ausbonsai Forum, a group of [now] about 8,500 members. The area of most interest to me, obviously, is "Bonsai in the Media & History of Australian Bonsai." There I've shared info with my colleague Lindsay Farr and a number of his associates. During one weekend in July 2009 I put together the initial version of Earliest Western Reports of Various Kinds of Trees by reviewing the pre-1800 Books listings and all the historical articles (early archive copy linked here). Additional articles are now checked for possible updates to the Western Reports.
The above article was done to get interest in our Pikes Peak Bonsai Society fall show being held the following weekend. At the show, I was one of the people interviewed for "Bending the Bonsai Rules" by Maria St. Louis-Sanchez, The Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO, September 28, 2009, pp. A3, A5. One of our members, Steve Alford, had added a model car tire on a string to one of his bonsai -- and had more of these for sale. This, of course, represented a tire swing on a full-sized tree. I added my affirmation to this novel magical miniature landscape addendum. In mid-November 2009 I came upon an extremely brief Wikipedia article for Masahiko Kimura. Realizing that I had a Book of Days listing for him on March 31, I discovered that my info was barely more fleshed out. After hunting down a number of additional references, I simultaneously published a longer bio on this outstanding master in both Wikipedia and Book of Days. I've also added substantial history (since November 20, 2005) to these bonsai-referenced Wikipedia articles, among others: "Bonsai" (History, now the spun-off article "History of Bonsai"); "Anson Burlingame" (External link); "Fort Lupton, Colorado" (Notable people); "Robert Fortune" (External link); "Gong Zizhen"; "Hòn Non Bô"; "Marco Invernizzi"; "List of bonsai on stamps"; "List of species used in bonsai" (External link); "John Naka"; "National Bonsai Foundation"; "Noh" (External link); "Penjing" (History); and "Wu Yee-sun" (References). (Over the years, some of this material has also been used in non-English versions of the articles...) And created two articles, bios on Yuji Yoshimura and Bill Valavanis. Plus substantial additions to our Book of Days project. (Also, I've occasionally added to another Wikipedia article, a sight most days out my [old house] back and now [new house] front windows," Pikes Peak.") On November 12 I gave a slightly more than one hour talk as part of a three-hour class on video shitakusa or accent plants. The art instructor at Colorado College here had seen a display the previous year at the New York Botanical Garden which featured traditional accent plants. After the Pikes Peak Bonsai Society's fall show this past September, the topic came up and he was eventually referred to me. I was intrigued by the theoretical concept of video accent plants but had no idea how this would be pulled off. What -- have a little 5" TV screen off to one side? The results were intriguing: please see the details here as I described them to the Internet Bonsai Club forum, Part I and then Part II, which was the talk and display for a second class the following February. (This is what I consider the best part of my historical research: seeing others' interpretations of the usual material and meanings.) Setting up the various obituaries in the Bonsai Book of Days project causes me to feel another thread of the big tapestry that most others don't/can't experience -- a further sense of connection with this art/hobby and playing the self-chosen role of both bearer of sad tidings and glad memorializer. Of course, I read each obit that I publish. But basically I first have to craft each from one to a dozen different sources -- some postings known to other enthusiasts and some not -- eliminating duplicated info, following-up by searching for additional details along certain uncovered lines especially with conflicting data, finding what these individuals did as bonsai enthusiasts and, hopefully, a few other aspects of their lives and families, and also, less commonly, getting more details from family members through e-mails I initiate or which come to me by the family's own search inquiries. I am pleased that I did my job properly when I get positive feedback from friends or families of the departed -- or from living enthusiasts who are similarly listed or want to be listed in the Book of Days. March 2010 saw the introduction of Pots and Potters, a grand listing on that often-untold portion of this. And I significantly added to the number of Conventions, Symposia and Exhibitions we have listed. A curriculum vitae (CV) of sorts was first published. Please look at it. At the Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society show in Denver, CO on June 19, 2010, I was able to have a conversation with guest artist Kathy Shaner. I specifically asked her for updates about the Burlingame or Abraham Lincoln Oak that she and her teacher Yasuo Mitsuya had earlier worked on, which I had recently been researching. In late July 2010 the Phoenix club added an assistant to the webmaster in the person of Eric Zimmet. His extensive experience in computers and web design allowed us to modernize some elements of the web site, especially the home page and Phoenix club section. The on-line home page was made to reflect ongoing changes to the proposed one so that the roll-out of the revision would not be quite so jarring to that very small portion of the public who visited that website. A more organized presentation of links was put together on the home page and on the Magical Miniature Landscapes page. I was able to split some more of the very long pages, which I had already started to do earlier that year.
Since at least December 2010 I've also been a member of the Bonsai Nut forum, [now] with over 10,000 members. The year 2010 ended with the introduction of the How Many Enthusiasts Are There page (early archive copy linked here). Through its posting on the Internet Bonsai Club forum, I was then contacted by Oscar Jonker of Belgium of From this series of communications (e-mail, IBC, Facebook) I got some updates to the Enthusiasts page and also the opportunity to create a detailed history for the English portion of Oscar's site. That history is a custom five-page version of the 18-page talk I've distilled from the 60+ page Timeline. The following April I let Oscar publish The Synergy of Magical Miniature Landscapes. It had originally been presented by me as a lecture before the Pikes Peak Bonsai Society in May 2009. The article version was slightly expanded and with more quotations. The first version of the Lineage of Some of Our Teachers was presented as a schematic in late January 2011. Some additional info and questions by my extremely helpful colleague, William N. Valavanis, led me to also make a more detailed spreadsheet version which continues through the present. In mid-May I started to gather together what few notes I had regarding the Imperial Bonsai Collection, something which had enticed me for some time (early archive copy linked here). As there was very little "out there," I figured this would be another little thing I could summarize. Starting with Warren Hill's "Reflections on Japan" (NBF Bulletin, Winter 2000), I added a few other notes and some Wikipedia links. At the end of May I published my initial work with notice of it to a few people, including Chris Cochrane. Chris referred me to Yoshihiro Nakamizu in Japan, who he said had, at one point, an acquaintance who was curator of the Collection. Mr. Nakamizu introduced me to his assistant, Ms. Harumi Fujino, instead, and Harumi was gracious enough to review my material and send me corrections and comments on it as she could find time to do so. Meanwhile, Alan Walker was another person to whom I showed my draft and he volunteered to send me scans of the history pages from the 1976 book The Imperial Bonsai of Japan. I mentioned that it was a resource I would like to see someday, he happened to have a copy, and he very graciously scanned the oversize pages and e-mailed them to me on June 8. That weekend I worked in much of the material and then published a longer page. A copy of this I sent to Harumi about the time I received her first review. A series of e-mails with her and Mr. Nakamizu let me thank them for their extraordinary efforts and time -- and satisfied them as to my non-commercial, educational intents. This was an open-ended project -- yes, larger than initially described -- but I was in no hurry. Over the course of the next four weeks, Harumi sent me sections reviewed. As we discovered, not all of my researches she could readily confirm, and some of her statistics differed from the ones I had found for historical events. I combined our notes for what I felt would be the best portrayal of the story. And about the time I received the scans from Alan, Chris sent me the Googlemap coordinates for the Ōmichi Bonsai Shitate-ba. I zeroed in on the site and copied the image for the web page. Re-reading the material, adding a few more hyperlinks and Harumi's comments, massaging the text to get it to flow better, the page slowly developed. (It grew "thick and rich," as I described it at one point -- I never do "fluff.") On July 12, I announced the now 2-section page to several bonsai forums and on Facebook. Through the end of the year Harumi sent me additional comments and critiques until she finished the entire article as it was then. This is an example of my being amazed at how the initial article and early versions of it grow organically (Kokufuten is just another example, as well as Portulacaria, among many others I could list here). When I added the cropped Google images on the top of the second page of the Imperial Collection article, I was seeing what I had written about grow in the past. When I added the three bottom pictures on page two, I saw another dimension: not just a static past thing, but still going on. [These words don't really yet express my feeling about this/these. I'll revise and improve this description as time goes by. As I have noted to a few people over the years, this website is the equivalent of my "masterpiece" bonsai, were I a better horticulturalist.] In March 2012 I began another project: a comprehensive list of all plants used in bonsai and the related arts (early archive copy linked here). I started with the previously devised Taxonomic List for Bonsai in Phoenix (first compiled in July 2005), and then seriously expanded it. (The Phoenix List itself originated from two surveys I did for the club by the early 1990s concerning which trees were used in Phoenix and how well they did as bonsai. A third survey by the club was conducted in 2009. The great-grandfather of the list was actually this first jotting I made from a brief chat with club member Sam Lew:)
Now, going back to the late 1960s, I had tried several times to create a grand taxonomic listing for all named lifeforms. This was partly due to my owning several of the Golden Nature Guides. In pre-word-processing days, I gathered many hand-written notes, eventually segueing to several Access databases with between 7,000 and 8,000 entries. With the appearance of detailed lists by Phylum, Class, Order, Family, and so forth on the Internet, some of the steam was taken out of my many-year quest. But the elusive dream remained. So I specialized in a wide-ranging fashion. (By the early 1990's I'd compiled a text listing of a couple hundred of the most used trees in bonsai worldwide which I came across in the articles and books.) In September 2012 I debuted my bonsai taxonomic listing on the Facebook Group of Lindsay Farr's World of Bonsai. The listing has grown to nearly 1,800 species, and it was split up into the current format after the count surpassed 1,000. Ideally, I would like to have here over 95% of all the plants used as the primary focus for bonsai, penjing, hòn non bô, etc. around the world. Examples of the less common specimens as dwarf potted trees, in theory, could be linked to a picture, but where do you draw the line at a single truly representative style? -- or what exactly is "less common"? Copyright issues would probably be the biggest challenge for this universal library of bonsai types -- something I am not yet ready to commit to. Almost every month I add a species or two to a small spreadsheet I have by plant family, mostly because of trees posted by my myriad Facebook "friends.". After I've got a handful or more of the binomial names of these new species they are added to the grand published listing. A few of the other grand spreadsheets I started to compile over the years were a listing of dinosaur genera, the characteristics of the brightest stars (something I actually started in early high school), all human-edible plant/algal/fungal/cyanobacterial foods, and major earthquakes during the past several centuries. Obviously, nowadays on the worldwide web can be found this kind of information in greater detail, so I don't update my sheets very much... June 2012 saw an ABS convention in Denver, perhaps an hour north of me. Naturally, I went -- with my older son Kenny Asher who accompanied me for a number of years to events of the Pikes Peak Bonsai Society. (He took most of the people pictures with a new digital camera I had been gifted a week earlier for Father's Day. If I had known of more of that device's features at the time, I definitely would have gotten some video footage.) At the convention I finally got to meet my collaborator William N. Valavanis, who promptly introduced me to Ryan Neil as someone Ryan needed to meet. I also met Dr. Tom Elias, Dan Robinson, Marc Noelanders, Lindsay and Glenis Bebb, Frank Mihalic, Kathleen Emerson-Dell, and Iris Cohen. Harold Sasaki -- who I had previously met through the Pikes Peak Bonsai Society -- was there and we chatted some more about his family. Someone who contacted me a few months before the convention was Thor Beowulf, an Australian who was working on his bonsai-based PhD thesis. We made a point to get together in Denver, where Thor interviewed me about the different stages that bonsai education had passed through during the previous seventy or eighty years. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be able to finish his thesis before he passed away in early August 2015. His wife and sons planned to eventually have his material in a memorial research library. (A picture missed being taken at the convention would have been one with Thor standing next to Kenny demonstrating their coincidental physical resemblance.)
Oscar Jonker from approached me via e-mail in December 2012 to collaborate with him on answering the question "How Big is Bonsai" in the world. We discussed some of the parameters of the project, compiled data -- mostly from the site -- and he devised the map. The first edition was published April 4, 2013 and included some 104 countries and territories. I compiled data for the United States, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and submitted that to Oscar. He then compiled similar info for the European nations. The second edition was published August 7. Material from my 2011 history article for bonsaiempire was then included in their 2014 e-book, The Bonsai Beginners Guide.
On October 1, 2013 I was one of eight persons chosen to comment on "Why Bonsai Deadwood Dominate[sic]?" for, an English-language site from Indonesia. I was then asked to write an individual article on The History of Kusamono, which was published three weeks later. Some of the plants I've tried as bonsai so far in Colorado have been nursery-grown: Amur maple (Acer ginnala), Japanese Maples (Acer palmatum), Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria heterophylla), Ginseng Ficus (Ficus retusa), Ginkgo (Gingko biloba), Junipers (Juniperus communis), Dwarf Alberta Spruce (Picea glauca albertiana), Mugo pine (Pinus muga var. pumillo), Austrian pine (Pinus nigra), Variegated Elephant food (Portulacaria afra variegata), Purple-leafed sand cherry (Prunus besseyi x cerasifera), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Yew (Taxus sp.), and Chinese elm (Ulmus parvilfolia); yamadori and gifted to me: Engelman spruces (Picea englemannii), Ponderosa pines (Pinus ponderosa), and Douglas firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii); yamadori and/or "volunteer" seedlings that I collected: Rocky Mountain maple (Acer glabrum trisectum), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), Junipers (Juniperus sp.), Aspens (Populus tremuloides), Canadian choke cherry (Prunus virginiana), Wild Gooseberry (Ribes inerme), Lilacs (Syringa sp.), and Siberian elms (Ulmus pumila); from seed: Red maples (Acer rubrum). All of these were recorded on a single, long .doc page. Trees that died are moved further down the page and put in gray type rather than black. Where possible I have photos included. |