"Dwarf Trees of China"
"The dwarf trees of China are curiosities of forestry. Every child knows how the Chinese cramp their
women's feet by
bandaging them when they are infants, and thus render it impossible for them to walk. It is, however, wonderful to
see miniature oaks, chestnuts, pines, and cedars, growing in flower-pots, fifty years old and yet not a foot high.
To do this, take a young plant, cut off its tap root, and place it in a basin in which there is good soil kept well
watered [sic]. If it grows too rapidly, dig down and shorten in several roots.
Every year the leaves grow smaller, and the little dwarf trees make interesting pets, just as some people raise canary
birds, and others squirrels. -- Cultivator.
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1 Health, a weekly journal of domestic and sanitary science
(London), Vol. 3, No. 53, April 11, 1884, pg.