Chubu Bonsai Meifu-ten

Last Updated: February 23, 2025

2018 Meifu-ten Entrance
85th Meifu-ten Entrance (Andy)

2020 Meifu-ten
90th Meifu-ten (William N. Valavanis)

       The Meifu Bonsai Exhibition, also known as "Meifu-ten," is the second oldest continuous public exhibition of bonsai in Japan, less-known in the west than the oldest, Tokyo's Kokufu-ten.  Meifu is the third largest bonsai exhibition in Japan and an important venue to see and study fine-quality bonsai of a great number of species and styles.  Hosted/sponsored by the Chubu Bonsai Kumiai, a professional cooperative, it gathers hundreds of remarkable specimens specially selected from all over the country at the Fukiage Hall in Nagoya.  This is the largest display in the Chūbu region, the nine prefectures in the center of Japan's main island, Honshu.  The exhibition is held in a huge clear span building with excellent lighting and wide aisles.  Besides the artworks on display, visitors are able to spend time at the workshops, activities or having tea at the specialized corner installed for tea tasting while enjoying those unique plants and mingling with other aficionados.  Those looking for a bargain may also find nice opportunities during the Charity Auction.  There is an extensive sales area with a good number of vendors selling tools, containers from 1,000 yen up for Kozan/Tofukuji/Chinese antiques/etc., art, scrolls, display tables, fertilizer, a nice assortment of suiseki, wire and, of course, bonsai of all shapes and sizes available at a large price range from reasonable up to over 1 million yen.  Some of the best suiseki collecting areas in Japan are located near Nagoya so one may find some prizes among the vendors here.
       A large full-color commemorative album is always published which is an excellent study guide for design as well as illustrating the current state of the Japanese bonsai community.  Like many other major exhibits the plants are judged, selected, and photographed in the Fall in order to have the photo album available for the January exhibition.  It is always held over a mid-January weekend including the second Monday national holiday known as Adult Day.
       In 2020 the Meifu had its 90th Edition.  There were over 130 masterpiece bonsai shown with accessories and suiseki.  Many of these bonsai are owned by hobbyists, but displayed by the professional bonsai artists.  A large percentage of these bonsai have or will be displayed in the Kokufu Bonsai Exhibition.  All very high-quality works of art.  Another exhibit there featured four large panels with paintings displayed with bonsai, something new in Japan.  A special memorial display for Masao Kito, a director of the Nippon Bonsai Association and an important bonsai collector who passed away the previous year, was also held.

2nd Meifu-ten album, 1939 from 2nd Meifu-ten album, 1939
2nd Meifu-ten album, 1939 from 2nd Meifu-ten album, 1939

4th Meifu-ten album, 1941 from 4th Meifu-ten album, 1941
4th Meifu-ten Album, 1941 from 4th Meifu-ten album, 1941

Meifu-ten album No. 53
Meifu-ten No. 53 Album and Slipcase

Meifu-ten albums
Meifu-ten No. 51, 52, 53 Albums (top row)
54, 55, 56 Albums (middle row)
1979 (49th) Album, other show album, Sakufu-ten album (bottom row)

Meifu-ten album No. 88
Meifu-ten No. 88 Album

       The Meifu-ten is held in the Nagoya Trade and Industry Center, aka Fukiage Hall, 2-6-3 Fukiage, Chikusa-Ward, Nagoya-City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.  This is basically 165 miles/266 km southwest of Tokyo.  The Meifu-ten admission price is a very modest ¥500 (currently about 3.35 USD or 3.20 Euro).  Workshops and activities may require separate fee.

1st Exhibition
2nd Exhibition 93 displays
3rd Exhibition
4th Exhibition 98 displays
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1978 January
? Exhibition
Counting down, this would be the 48th annual exhibition; but counting up this would be the 42nd annual exhibition, IF there was one show each year including but possibly not held during the war.  What is the correct count?  Information sources between 1941 and 1979 are absent so far.
1979 January 49th Exhibition album, per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 11/02/24.  Note in the image above that the album has the date showing on the cover rather than the show number as found on subsequent albums.
1980 January 50th Exhibition
1981 January 51st Exhibition album, per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 11/02/24
1982 January 52nd Exhibition album, per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 11/02/24
1983 January 53rd Exhibition album, per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 10/30/24
1984 January 54th Exhibition 162 page album
1985 January 55th Exhibition 159 page album
1986 January 56th Exhibition 166 page album
1987 January 57th Exhibition 158 page album
1988 January 58th Exhibition
1989 January 59th Exhibition
1990 January 60th Exhibition 157 page album
1991 January 61st Exhibition 167 page album
1992 January 62nd Exhibition 167 page album
1993 January 63rd Exhibition 167 page album
1994 January 64th Exhibition
1995 January 65th Exhibition
1996 January 66th Exhibition 176 page album
1997 January 67th Exhibition 127 page album
1998 January 68th Exhibition 131 page album
1999 January 69th Exhibition 128 page album
2000 January 70th Exhibition
2001 January 71st Exhibition
2002 January 72nd Exhibition 236 plants were displayed, 90% of them owned by hobbyists. 32 of the plants displayed would also be selected for the next month's Kokufu-ten. Approximately 20,000 visitors. 129 page album
2003 January 73rd Exhibition 129 page album
2004 January 74th Exhibition
2005 January 75th Exhibition
2006 January 76th Exhibition
2007 January 77th Exhibition
2008 January 78th Exhibition 112 page album
2009 January 79th Exhibition
2010 January 80th Exhibition
2011 January 81st Exhibition
2012 January 14 - 16 82nd Exhibition Over 170 trees, all belonging to hobbyists and collectors. Average attendance for the three-day show was about 7 thousand. Collected Shimpaku Juniper won top prize; Classic White Pine took second place. The photographs for exhibited trees were taken in Inazawa on November 10-11, 2011. The trees' owners or designated professionals showed up with trucks and vans, and a handful of people loaded and unloaded the trees for a day and a half.
2013 January 83rd Exhibition
2014 January 84th Exhibition 99 page album
2015 January 85th Exhibition 87 page album
2016 January 86th Exhibition
2017 January 87th Exhibition 95 page album
2018 January 6 - 8 88th Exhibition 95 page album
2019 January 12 - 14 89th Exhibition 91 page album
2020 January 10 - 12 90th Exhibition There were over 130 masterpiece bonsai displayed with accessories and suiseki.
2021 January 14 - 16 none Cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.
2022 January 14 - 16 91st Exhibition
2023 January 13 - 15 92nd Exhibition
2024 January 26 - 28 93rd Exhibition
2025 January 10 - 12 94th Exhibition 65 trees displayed, mainly grown and trained in the Aichi Prefecture region.
2026 January 95th Exhibition


"90th Meifu Bonsai Exhibition (Meifu-ten)," Aichi Now;
"2020 90th Meifu Bonsai Exhibition, by William N. Valavanis, January 12, 2020;
No. 2 and 4 albums found on E-Bay by RJB, Febraury 22, 2025 (see links in details);
No. 53 album and slipcase image from auction page per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 10/30/24;
Nine albums image from auction page, per Wayne Ficklin to RJB, in Facebook PM 11/02/24;
No. 88 album from Bonsai Plaza;
"The 85th Meifu-ten 2015 part 1," Andys Shohin Bonsai;
No. 88 album image from
"The 85th Meifu-ten 2015 part 1," Andys Shohin Bonsai;
"The 84th Meifu-ten Exhibition," by John Milton Bonsai, January 13, 2014;
"Meifu-ten - Nagoya's bonsai exhibit" by Jonas Dupuich, Bonsai Tonight, February 14, 2012;
"The Best Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibits in Japan" by Thomas S. Elias, originally on pg. 12 (of pp. 10-14 article)
of the May/June 2002 issue of Bonsai Clubs International's Bonsai Magazine.
"2025 94th Meifu Bonsai Exhibition, by William N. Valavanis, January 13, 2025;

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