(bonsai, bonseki, bonkei, saikei, penjing, pentsai, suiseki, hon non bo)

1950 - 1999

Unknown / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J /K / L / M / N /O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z

Language Prefix:

"  "   English
" AF "   Afrikaans
" BG "   Bulgarian
" CA "   Catalan
" CZ "   Czech
" DA "   Danish
" DE "   German
" EL "   Greek
" ES "   Spanish
" FI "   Finnish
" FR "   French
" FR/E "  French/English
" HU "   Hungarian
" ID "   Indonesian
" IT "   Italian

" JA "   Japanese
" JA/E "   Japanese/English
" KO "   Korean
" NL "   Dutch
" PL "   Polish
" PT "   Portuguese
" RU "   Russian
" SI "   Sinhalese
" SV "   Swedish
" TA "   Tamil
" VI " Vietnamese
" ZH "   Chinese
" ZH/E "   Chinese/English
" ZH/KO "   Chinese/Korean

Subject Code:   penjing , viewing stones , bonkei , saikei , indoor , bonsai

IT        Oddone, Carlo   Bonsai Tecniche Essenziali ; pre-1986.

IT        Oddone, Carlo   Bonsai: tecniche di coltivazione ; Padova: MEB: Distribuzione, Gruppo Editoriale Muzzio; 1990.  ISBN 8876692266.  Second edition.  142 pp.

ES       Oddone, Carlo    El Arte Del Bonsai: Técnicas y Cultivo ; Barcelona: Ediciones CEAC, S.A.; 1992.  96 pp.  Seventy-seven color photos, plus many b&w line drawings.  Originally in Italian as Il Bonsai (© Istituto Geografico De Agostini).

JA       Ogawa, Yūtarō   Satsuki bonsai taikan ; Tōkyō: Seibundō Shinkōsha; 1974.  193 pp.  Illustrations.   USDA

JA       Ohashi, Eizo   Satsuki bonsai ; 1977.  LCC #78800618.  150 pp.  Illustrations.

JA       Oikawa, Yukio   Ishikoro jinsei ; 1970.  LCC #72812825.  294 pp.  Illustrations.

JA       Oikawa, Yukio   Ishikoro yaro ; 1974.  LCC #75805431.  266 pp.  Illustrations.

            Okimoto, Elaine and Paul Imada   Bonsai in Hawaii ; Alea, HI; 1990. Illustrations by Imada.

JA       Okita, Yoshihiro   Satsuki-zukuri Hanshoku, bonsai, kohai (Make Satsuki) ; Tokyo: Bunken Shuppan; 1969.  185 pp.  USDA

JA/E    Onishi, Katsuhito (ed.)   Kakuryuan Bonsai Collection ; Nagano: Kindai Shuppan Co., Ltd.; 1987.  274 pp.  Contributing Supervisor Masahiko Kimura.  Translation by Chie Ueno, Hisako Kunitomi, and Elson Boles.  1500-copy limited edition book of the collection of Kenichi Oguchi.

JA       Onishi, Katsuhito   The Magical Technician of Kindai Shuppan ; Kyoto: Kindai Bonsai Publication; Fall, 1982.  179 pp.  Many step-by-step photos.  About Masahiko Kimura.

JA       Onishi, Katsuhito   The Magical Technician of Kindai Shuppan, Part II ; Kyoto: Kindai Bonsai Publication; 1984.  176 pp.  Original ad. price: $30.00 postpaid.

JA       Onishi, Katsuhito   The Magical Technician of Kindai Shuppan, Part III ; Kyoto: Kindai Bonsai Publication; 1989.  176 pp.

           Onishi, Katsuhito   The Bonsai Art of Kimura ; Sudbury, MA: Stone Lantern Publishing Co.; 1992.  ISBN 0-9634423-0-9.  178 pp.  Originally published in Japanese as The Magical Technician of Kindai Shuppan, Part II plus additional articles from Part I.  Edited and adapted by W. John Palmer.  Translated by Margaret Cullen. Photographs by Kanji Sumida, Ysuke Koromonawa, Tadashi Suei, Ioichiro Kawaguchi.

JA/E    Ōnuki, Chūzō   Bonsai ; Tokyo: Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha Co., Ltd.; 1964.  Color illustrations of private collection.  USDA

JA       Ōnuki, Chūzō   Suiseki ; Tokyo: Kyūryūdō; 1967.  LCC #74801119.  Illustrations include 116 pp. of plates.  USDA

TH      'Osat Kosin   Bonsai ; Krungthel: Prachachon; 1978.  LCC #78915471.  104 pp.  Illistrations.

JA       Oshida, Hirosaburō and A. Katō, T. Suzuki, T. Naramoto, S. Takahashi, M. Komatsu   Bonsai, suiseki ; Sekai Bunka-sha; 1979.

JA       Otomaru, Kosen   Bankei bonkei ; 1968.  LCC #76803884.  172 pp.

JA       Ouchi, Tanseki   Kyo no ishi ; 1964.  LCC #72808193.  210 pp.  Illustrations.

           Owen, Gordon    The Bonsai Identifier ; Seacaucus, NJ: Chartwell Books, Inc.; 1990.  128 pp. 

FR      Owen, Gordon    Les Bonsaï ; Laval Québec: Intrinsèque; 1991.  128 pp.  Translation of the above by Isabelle Séjourné. 

CZ      Owen, Gordon   Pruvodce svetem bonsají ; Praha: Svojtka & Co., 1998.  128 pp.  Translation of the above by Alena Vlcková.

           Owen, Grodon   Growing Classic Bonsai ; New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.; 1998.  ©1990 Quintet Publishing Ltd.    ISBN 0806937726.   128 pp.  Color photos.

JA      Ōyama, Reirō   Bonsai no shitatekata (Introduction to Bonsai) ; Tōkyō: Taibunkan Publisher; 1967-1972.  Six volumes.  USDA

JA      Ōyama, Reirō   Bonsai nyūmon ; Tōkyō: Taibunkan Publisher; 1974.  432 pp.  Illustrated.   USDA

     Paez de la Cadena, Francisco   El libro del bonsai ; Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1992.  ISBN 8420605662.  280 pp.

KO    Pak, Tu-jin   Tol kwa ui sarang, susok susang, susok si ; Soul T'ukpyolsi: Ch'onga Ch'ulp'ansa; 1986.  LCC #87142266.  278 pp.  Illustrated.

ZH     Pan, Chuanrui    Chengdu pen jing ; Sichuan ke xue ji shu chu ban she : fa xing Xin hua shu dian Chongqing fa xing suo; 1985.  213 pp.

ZH     Pan, Zhonglian and Yanjie Liu   Pen jing zhi zuo yu xin shang ; Zhejiang sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing; 1986.  227 pp.

IT      Panciroli, Federico   Tecnica e coltivazione del bonsai, tutti i segreti del giardinaggio in miniatura ; MEB; 1998.  ISBN 8876696636.  148 pp.

          Parekh, Jyoti   Tropical Bonsai ; Bombay: Vakils, Feffer & Simons, Ltd.; 1977.  120 pp.  USDA

          Parekh, Jyoti and Nikunj Parekh   Wonderworld of Bonsai & Saikei: Techniques for Miniature Trees & Tray Landscapes with Introduction of New Plant Material ; Bombay: The Western India Manufacturer's Agency Private Limited; 1984?.  ISBN 819003510X.  Vakils, Feffer & Simons; 1993.  LCC #93903233.  153 pp.  160 color photos by Bipin Mistry and Nikunj Parekh, and 300 line drawings by Arun Mhapankar.  Seventy new plants introduced.   "OUR PROSTRATIONS TO     SARASWATI -- She is the goddess of all creative arts and in particular of poetry, music, learning and science.   SURYA -- The SUN GOD rides in a golden chariot drawn by seven horses, each one representing one day of the week.  He has a charioteer called ARUN symbolizing the dawn.    AND LORD OF THE UNIVERSE"   USDA

          Parekh, Jyoti and Nikunj Parekh   Wonderworld of Tropical Bonsai: creation and enjoyment of miniature trees and landscapes ; Bombay: Vakils, Feffer & Simons Ltd.; 1984, 1987.  195 pp.  Second printing.  Twenty-four color photos by Jagdish Agarwal, Kedar Agarwal, Taiyab Badshah, Ramesh Meer, Dr. Ajit C. Mehta, D.F. Poonwala, Studio Prafulla, and Ram Prabhu.  Line drawings by Jayant Nayak and Toral D. Mehta.   "Our prostrations to      Goddess of knowledge -- SARASWATI -- remover of ignorance    &     Lord of the Universe -- SRI KRISHNA  playing the flute divine"  

          Pax, Lindsay and Maggie Rothery   The Australian Gardener's Guide to Bonsai ; Sydney: Reed; 1981.  88 pp.

          Pearlstein, Kit   Bonsai Plant Guide ; San Francisco, Calif.: K. Pearlstein; 1960.  16 pp.  Seven b&w photos.  Small format.  This little booklet apparently was included with many starter plants sold in nurseries and department store garden shops during the late 1960s and into the 1970s.  USDA

ZH      Peng, Chunsheng   Zhongguo pen jing liu pai ji fa da quan (Comprehensive schools and techniques of Chinese penjing) ; Nanning; 1998.  ISBN 780619598X.  322 pp.

ID       Penulis, Tim PS   Seni Bonsai Lanjutan ; Penyebar Swadaya; 1998.

ID       Penulis, Tim PS   Membuat, Mengoleksi dan Merawat ; Penyebar Swadaya; 1999.

ES      Perez, Rafael   El Mundo del Bonsai ; Alas Editorial; 1988.    ISBN 8420302198.  32 pp.

           Perl, Philip and the Editors of TIME-LIFE Books   Miniatures and Bonsai ; Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books; 1979.  160 pp.  Color and b&w photos and illustrations.  Specifically, pp. 66-95.  From the Time-Life Encyclopedia of Gardening.  Original ad. price: $8.95.  USDA

           Perry, Lynn R.   Bonsai: Trees and Shrubs, A Guide to the Methods of Kyuzo Murata ; New York: The Ronald Press Company; 1964.  LCC #64-20123. 234 pp.  Sixty b&w photos.  Foreword by Kaname Kato.  "To Kyuzo Murata, my teacher."  USDA

FR      Pessy, Christian   Les Bonsai: Tradition, culture et variétés ; Paris: Éditions Bordas; 1985.  125 pp.  Avec la collab. de Rémy Samson.

           Pessy, Christian and Rémy Samson   Bonsai Basics, A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing, Training & General Care ; New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.; 1992.  ISBN 0-8069-0327-9.   120 pp.  Over 200 color photos and numerous line drawings.  Text and illustrations originally from the above.  Translation, additional text and design ©1989 Reed International Books, Limited.

           Pessy, Christian (in association with Rémy Samson)   Introducing Bonsai ; New York: Gallery Books; 1989.  120 pp.  203 color photos and ninety b&w illustrations.  Same as above.

ES       Pessy, Christian   El gran libro ilustrado del bonsai ; Hispano Europea.  128 pp.  Translation of the above.

ES       Pessy, Christian and Rémy Samson   Arte y técnica en el bonsai ; Hispano Europea; 1990.  ISBN 8425508134.  168 pp.  Translated by Conrad Niell i Sureda.

IT        Pessy, Christian   Bonsai ; Milano: Hoepli; 1994.

DE      Pfisterer, Jochen   Bonsai in 2 Stunden gestalten ; München: Gäfe und Unzer; 1997.  ISBN 3-7742-2150-2.   63 pp.

DE      Pfisterer, Jochen   Zimmer-Bonsai formen und pflegen ; München: Gäfe und Unzer; 1995.  ISBN 3-7742-2665-2.   63 pp.

NL      Pfisterer, Jochen   Kamerbonsais: adviezen voor aankoop, opkweek en verzorging: vormgeving via unieke stap-voor-stap methode ; Baarn: Thieme; 1991.  64 pp.  Illustrations.  Translation of Zimmer Bonsai by Renate Bolte.

ES       Pfisterer, Jochen   Bonsais ; León: Everest; 1992.  59 pp.

PT       Pfisterer, Jochen   Bonsai de interior ; Lisboa: Presenca; 1996.  86 pp.  Illustrations.  Translation of above by Maria Joao Cordeiro.

            Pike, Dave   Bonsai, Step By Step to Growing Success ; Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire: The Crowood Press Ltd.; 1990.  ISBN 1-85223-128-9.   128 pp.  Ninety-eight color photos by the author.  Fifty-two line drawings by Claire Upsdale-Jones.  A Crowood Gardening Guide.

ES       Pike, Dave   Bonsai, Su correcto desarrollo paso a paso ; Barcelona: Omega S.A.; 1990.  ISBN 84-2820893-X.  132 pp.  Translation of the above by María Rosa Guirao Macia.

            Pike, Dave   Indoor Bonsai: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide ; Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire: The Crowood Press Ltd.; 1989.  ISBN 1-85223-254-4.  128 pp.  100 color photos by the author & line drawings by Claire Upsdale-Jones.  A Crowood Gardening Guide.

ES      Pike, Dave   Bonsai de interior, una guía para principiantes ; Omega S.A.  ISBN 84-2820897-2.  132 pp.  Translation of the above.

           Pike, Dave   Popular Bonsai ; Crowood Press Ltd ; 1991.  ISBN-10 1852233621 ; ISBN-13 978-1852233624.  176 pp.   Updated 04/22/23

           Pipe, Ann Kimball   Bonsai: The Art of Dwarfing Trees ; New York: Appleton-Century; 1964. ISBN 0-8015-0796-0.   188 pp.  b&w photos and drawings.  "To my friend Nonkey T. Ishiyama, of McLean, Virginia, who has generously and patiently taught me, over a period of years, much that has gone into this book."  USDA

PL     Plochocki, Andrzej   Bonsai: sztuka miniaturyzacji drzew i krzewow ; Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne; 1990.  ISBN 830901354X.   191 pp.  Twenty-eight pp. of plates.  Illustrations by Roman Kowalik.

          Porter, Raymond   The Art of Bonsai For Beginners ; NY: Bonsai Society of Greater New York; 1964.  16 pp.  Seven b&w photos courtesy of Yuji Yoshimura, 11 line drawings from November 1963 issue of House & Garden.  USDA

ZH     Qiu, Menglei   Pen jing, yuan yi ; Jing xiao zhe Xing guang shu bao she ; Tabei Shi; 1983.  LCC #84125777.  249 pp.  Illustrations.

           Radcliffe, Woodward   Bonsai ; Jersey City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, Inc.; 1961.  24 pp.  Forty-four b&w photos and one line drawing.  Edited by Mary Lynn; Technical Credit Frank Nagata and Tsunji Yamashiro.  Cover photo by John W. Catlin.  Original cover price: $0.35  USDA

           Ragle, Nina Shire   Even Monkeys Fall Out of Trees ; Laguna Beach, CA: Nippon Art Forms ; 1987.  LC #87-60655.  Illustrated by Jaime Lee Sugarman and John Naka.  Introduction by Larry Ragle.  287 proverbs by John Naka organized into 20 "chapters."  Each proverb in English, kanji, and Romanized Japanese. 237 pp.  Original ad. price: $13.95

           Ratcliffe, Patricia   Silk Bonsai ; 1988.

DE     Reinhard, Georg and Pius Notter   Bonsai für Einsteiger ; Fischer; 1996.  ISBN 3-85681-338-1.   112 pp.

           Resnick, Susan M. Bachenheimer   Bonsai ; Boston: Little, Brown and Company; 1991, 1992. 144 pp.  Photographs © Kenro Izu.  Foreward © Judith D. Zuk, president of the BBG.  "In Cooperation with the Brooklyn Botanic Garden."  First American Edition.

DE      Resnick, Susan M. Bachenheimer and Kenzo Izu   Bonsai ; Augsburg: Naturbuch-Verl.; 1996.  144 pp.  Translation of the above by Isabel Schmidt.

IT       Ricchiari, Antonio   Manuale del Bonsai ; Palermo: Dario Flaccovio Editore; 1987   ISBN 8877580151.   411 pp.  Thirty-four pp. plates.  New edition with an introduction by Gianfranco Giorgi.

IT       Ricchiari, Antonio   Guida al bonsai ; Palermo: Dario Flaccovio Editore; 1988   ISBN 8877580143.   162 pp.  Sixteen pp. plates.

IT       Ricchiari, Antonio   Bonsai, La Guida Piu Completa ; Modena: Zanfi; 1993.

IT       Ricchiari, Antonio and Michele Andolfo   Bonsai: Cultura, Estetica, Progetto ; Parabiago, MI: Crespi Bonsai; 1999.  ISBN 8887257035 ; ISBN-13: 9788887257038.  192 pp.

HU     Richie, Donald   A bonsai titka ; Ferenczy Könyv- és Lapkiadó ; 1997.  ISBN 9638258616.  100 pp.   New 04/22/23

           Rivera, Felix   Suiseki: The Japanese Art of Miniature Landscape Stones ; Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press; 1997.  192 pp.  Sixteen color and over sixty b&w photos.  Original ad. price: $29.95.  USDA

           Roffey, Allen C.   The Bonsai Primer ; Dagenham, Essex, U.K.  1995-2005.  Web site is 18 Mb in size; also available as a 250+ Mb CD-ROM.

           Roger, Allen   Bonsai ; London: Cassell Educational Limited, for the Royal Horticultural Society; 1981, 1985.  ISBN 0-304-31074-3.   64 pp.  A Wisley handbook.  Fifty-one color photos and cover, and seventeen b&w photos.

FR      Roger, Allen   Les Bonsaïs: comment les choisir, les former, les tailler ; Paris: Bornemann; 1990.  62 pp.  Translation of the above.

ES       Roger, Allen   Bonsai ; Barcelona: Blume; 1994.  64 pp.  Translation of the above by José Berruezo.

ES       Rojo, Manuel   Bonsais hechos con alambre ; Barcelona: Ceac; 1993?  ISBN 8432983578.  40 pp.  "Cómo hacerlo" series.

JA       Rokkaku, Kenko (ed.)   Satsuki Azalea Bonsai ; Kanuma: Satsuki Kenyu; 1974.  320 pp.  161 bonsai and five garden color plate.

            Rooney, Padraig   In the Bonsai garden ; Raven Arts Press; 1995. ISBN 1851860320.

DE      Roth, Manfred   Bonsai Meisterschule ; Augsburg: Naturbuch Verlag; 1998.  ISBN 3-89440-290-3.   136 pp.

CZ       Rysan, Miloslav   Bonsaj ; Praha: Statni Zemedelske Nakl.; 1985.  159 pp.  Sixteen pp. of plates.

JA       Sakato, Sumio   Bonsai no shitatekata (Culture of dwarf trees) ; Tokyo: Kinensha; 1955.  247 pp.  USDA

      Saleb, Ismail   Suiseki : seni batu alami ; Indonesia: Perkumpulan Penggemar Suiseki Indonesia; 1997.  ISBN 979900103X.  84 pp.  Illustrated.  USDA

     Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   L'art de bonsai ; Paris: Dargaud; 1985.  ISBN 2205029630.   224 pp.

FR      Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   Comment Créer et Entretenir vos Bonsai ; Éditions Bordas; 1986.  ISBN 2-04-027248-8.

            Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   The Creative Art of Bonsai ; London: Ward Lock Ltd.; 1986.  ISBN 0-7063-6448-1.  168 pp.  153 color photos.   Translation of the above by Derek Hanson and Judith Hayward in association with First Edition, Cambridge.

IT        Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   Bonsai: principi generali, propagazione, allevamento e cure, avversità ; Milano: Hoepli; 1987.  168 pp.  Translation of the above by Pier Giacomo Bianchi.

ES        Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   Como Crear y Cuidar su Bonsai ; Barcelona: Ediciones Omega; 1987.  ISBN 84-2820823-9.  168 pp.  Translation of the above.

DA       Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson   Bogen om bonsai ; Kbh.: Komma & Clausen; 1992.  168 pp.  Translation of the above by Vibeke Fode.

JA        Sanseidō, Editors of   Bonsai ; Tōkyō: Sanseidō; 1954.  LC #88146806.  172 pp.  Illustrations.

IT        Sbrana, Gastone   I bonsai del Giappone ; Bologna: Edagricole; 1969.  BID: SBL0101309 ; BNI 6910762.  32 pp.  Illustrated.

DE       Schmidt, Walter   Die Kunst des japanischen Bonsai: Formen und Pflegen von Zwergbaumen ; Stuttgart: Ulmer; 1983.  ISBN 3800161303.  176 pp.

DE       Schudde, Wolf-D.   Bonsai -- Dem Baum eine Stimme geben ; Düsseldorf: Medienverlag Wolf-D. Schudde; 1995.  151 pp.

DE       Schudde, Wolf-D.   European Bonsai -- Auf dem Weg ins nächste Jahrtausand ; Düsseldorf: Medienverlag Wolf-D. Schudde; 1998.

FR       Sebann, Denis   Bonsaï d'intérieur et d'extérieur;  Eugen Ulmer Eds; 1997.  ISBN 2841380890.  96 pp.

            Severn, Gillian E.   Miniature trees in the Japanese Style ; New York: Taplinger Publishing Company; 1967.  LCC #68-10987.   London: Faber and Faber; 1970, 1967.  ISBN 0571094880.   112 pp.  B&w photos, color cover/frontispiece.  Line drawings by Irene Hawkins.  Original ad. price: $4.50.  USDA

ZH       Shao, Zhong   Suzhou pen jing ji yi ; Shanghai; 1989.  LCC #90226725.  176 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH       Shao, Zhong   Zhongguo pen jing zhi zuo tu shuo ; Shanghai; 1996.  325 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH       Shen, Yemin   Wu zhen song pen jing ; Shanghai; 1982.  LCC #83140203.  194 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH       Shen, Yin-ch'un, Beulah Kwok Sung, and C.B. Sung   Chung-kuo pen tsai ho pen ching i shu.

E/ZH   Shen, Yin-ch'un, Beulah Kwok Sung, and C.B. Sung   The Chinese Art of Bonsai & Potted Landscapes ; South San Francisco, CA: Unison Group; 1991.  141 pp.  ISBN-10: 0963053809 ; ISBN-13: 9780963053800.  Translation of the above.  Includes congratulatory forewords by John Naka and Wu Yee-Sun.

JA       Shiraki, K. (ed.)   Kikka-seki (Chrysanthemum Stones) ; Gifu: Getsumei-kai; 1950.  Two pages in English.

            Shufunotomo, Editors of   The Essentials of Bonsai ; Tokyo: Shufunotomo; 1982.  ISBN 4079730853.   Portland, OR: Timber Press; 1982.  ISBN 0-917304-27-6.  108 pp.  Illustrations.  Introduction by Donald Richie.  "Published in cooperation with American Horticultural Society."

NL       Shufunotomo, Editors of   Het praktische bonsaiboek ; Ede: Zomer & Keuning; 1985.  107 pp.  Illustrations.  Translation of above by Han Donkel.

ES        Shufunotomo, Editors of   Cultivo y cuidados del bonsai ; Barcelona: Montnegro; 1987.  108 pp.  Illustrations.  Translation of above by Ramón Hervás.

CA      Shufunotomo, Editors of   Com conreà i tenir cura del bonsai ; Barcelona: Montnegro; 1987.  108 pp.  Illustrations.  Translation of above by Ester Martí.

ID        Sigit, Soegito   Bonsai, Cara Membuat dan Merawat Pohon Mini ; Jakarta: PT Gramedia; 1982.

            Skolnik, Arthur   Growing Art of Bonsai ; 1995.

DE       Somm, Joseph   Wege zur Gesundheit Ihrer Bonsaï: Bekämpfung von Schädlingen und Krankheiten ; Vallières: J. Somm; 1996.  228 pp.  Illustrated.  Translation of above by Ilse Eickemeyer and Georges Bray.

DE       Stahl, Horst   Bonsai Grundkurs ; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1992.  ISBN 3-4400-6455-7.   148 pp.

HU     Stahl, Horst   Szobabonsai, Törpefák az ablakpárkányon ; Ciceró Könyvstúdió Kft.; 1993.  ISBN 9638340126.  6 iv.   New 04/22/23

DE       Stahl, Horst   Der Weg zum Meiser-Bonsai ; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1995.  ISBN 3-440-06741-6.   152 pp.

DE       Stahl, Horst   Zimmerbonsai ; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1992.  ISBN 3-440-06566-9.   72 pp.

DE       Stahl, Horst and Helmut Rüger   Bonsai leichtgemacht ; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1996.  ISBN 3-4400-7065-4.   62 pp.

DE       Stahl, Horst and Helmut Rüger   Zimmer-Bonsai für die Fensterbank ; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1998.  ISBN 3-440-07552-4.   62 pp.

FR       Stein, Rolf A.   Jardins en miniature d'Extrême-Orient ; 1943.

JA        Stein, Rolf A.   Bonsai no uchûshi ; Tokyo: Serika shobô; 1985.  198 pp.  Translation of the above by Funio Fukui and Hiroshi Myôjin.

            Stein, Rolf A.   The World in Miniature: Container Gardens and Dwellings in Far Eastern Religious Thought ; Standford, CA: Stanford University Press; 1990.  104 halftones and thirty-six b&w photos.  Foreword by Edward H. Schafer.  Translated by Phyllis Brooks, the 1987 French original of this excellent and penetrating work is a collection of three related essays: "Miniature Gardens in the Far East" (orig. published in 1943), "Dwelling Places, Their Physical Details," and "The World and Architecture in Religious Thought."

            Stewart, Christine   Bonsai ; London: Orbis; 1984.  112 pp.

            Stevenson, Violet   Dish gardens, jungle jars and puddle pots ; London: Corgi, 1971.  ISBN 0552763780.  126 pp.  Illustrated.

DA      Stewart, Christine   Bonsai ; Kbh: Hernov; 1987.  110 pp.  Translation of the above by Axel Heltman.

CZ       Stewart, Christine   Bonsai ; Praha: Artia; 1987.  112 pp.  Translation of the above by Václav Sochor.

            Stewart, Christine   Bonsai ; CT: Longmeadow Press/Little, Brown and Company; 1992.  64 pp.

CZ       Stewartová, CH.   Bonsai ; Praha: Artia; 1987.

CZ       Stolc, K. J.   Bonsai ; Praha: Cesky zahrádkársky svaz; 1988.

            Stowell, Jerald P.   The Beginner's Guide to American Bonsai ; Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd.; 1986, 1978.  ISBN 0-87011-326-7 (trade) / 0-87011-802-1 (paper).  140 pp.  Fifty-one b&w and fifty-six color photos, and twenty-one b&w illustrations.  Foreword by Kyuzo Murata.  USDA

            Stowell, Jerald P.   Bonsai: Indoors and Out ; Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.; 1966.  LC #66-27524.   134 pp.  Fifty b&w photos by Warren P. Cooper and sixteen b&w illustrations by the author.  "To Yuji Yoshimura."  Original ad. price: $4.95.  USDA

            Student, Shirley and Larry    Beginning Bonsai, The Gentle Art of Miniature Tree Growing ; Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Comapny; 1992.  ISBN 0-8048-1729-4.  56 pp.  Eight color photos, and b&w photos and line drawings.

ZH       Su, Benyi and Ma, Wenqi   Dang dai Zhongguo pen jing yi shu (The bonsai art of China) ; Beijing: Zhongguo lin ye chu ban she; 1997.  ISBN 7503817658.  195 pp.

ZH       Su, Ming   Shu chuang p'en ching pai wen pai ta ; Hong Kong; 1983?  113 pp.

JA        Sugimasa, Shōun   Bonkei-shoki Ni-ki Sanki gafu-zen (Complete compilation of views of miniature gardens -- the beginning, second and third phases) ; O yama Koshu; 1952, second edition.  54 pp.

ID        Sulistyo, Ir. Budi & Drs. Limanto Subijanto   Bonsai ; Pengarang: Kanisius; 1988.  ISBN 979-413-228-4.  96 pp.  Published with the assistance of Bonsai-Club Deutschland e.V.

ID        Sulistyo, Ir. Budi & Drs. Limanto Subijanto   Estetika Bonsai, Makna & Pembentukannya ; Pengarang: Kanisius; 1997.  ISBN 979-497-705-5.  64 pp.

            Sunset Books and Magazines, Editors of   Bonsai, Culture and Care of Miniature Trees ; Menlo Park, CA: Lane Publishing Co.; 1976.  ISBN 0-376-03043-7.   80 pp.  Second Edition.  Thirty-five color and b&w photos and illustrations.  Supervising Ed. Patricia Hart Clifford.  Research & Text by Buff Bradley.   Original cover price: $2.95.  USDA

            Sunset Books and Magazines, Editors of   Sunset Bonsai ; 1994.  ISBN 0-376-03045-3.   96 pp.  Third Edition.  Completely revised.  First printing May 1994.  Research & Text by Philip Edinger.

JA       Suzuki, Saichi   Shohaku bonsai taikan (Bonsai masterpeices of conifers) ; Tōkyō : Seibundō Shinkōsha; 1977.  LCC #77819802.  226 pp.  Photo section 1-192,  Text section 193-226.  Illustrations.  Large format w / slipcase.   USDA

JA       Suzuki, Toshinori (ed)   Black Pine Special; pre-1999.

JA       Suzuki, Tsutomo (ed.)   Traditional Beauty: Bonsai and Suiseki ; Tokyo ; 1979.  299 pp.  Over 400 photographs.  Original cover price ¥13,000.   Updated 04/22/23

ID        Swadaya, Penebar   Bonsai ; Indonesia: Rismunandar; 1998.  80 pp.

            Swinton, Anne   The Collingridge Handbook of Bonsai ; London: Collingridge Books; 1982.  ISBN 0600368165.   192 pp.  Photos by Dick Robinson.  Line drawings by Ron Hayward.  Preface by Anthony Huxley.  Distrib. by Hamlyn Pub. Group.

NL       Swinton, Anne   Bonsai ; Helmond: Helmond; 1986.  48 pp.  Translation of the above by Ben Beekman.

DE       Swinton, Anne   Bonsai ; Stuttgart: Unipart-Verl.; 1992.  47 pp.  Translation of above.

ES        Swinton, Anne   Manual de Bonsai: una guía para el principiante y para el aficionado ; Barcelona: Ediciones Omega; 1987.  ISBN 84-2820745-3.  210 pp.  Translation of the above by Rosa María Ferrer.

             Symmes, Edwin and Rhena Symmes   Native Treasures, American Bonsai and Suiseki, Volume One ; Altanta, GA: E.C. Symmes Associates; 1973.  96 pp.  USDA

JA       Tachibana, Yoshishige   Iwahiba; 1969.  LCC #79813091.  146 pp.

JA       Takahashi, Teisuke   Densho-seki (Historical Stones) ; Tokyo: Ishinobi-sha; 1988.

JA       Takahashi, Teisuke and Keiji Murata   Suiseki o hajimeru hito no tame ni ; 1966, 1964.  LCC #67002292.  182 pp.  Illustrations.

JA       Takahashi, Teisuke and Keiji Murata   Kara suiseki no bi ; 1967.  LCC #74802238.  132 pp.  Illustrations.  USDA

DE      Takayanagi, Yoshio   Bonsai: grosse Liebe zu kleinen Bãumen; Melsungen, Berlin: Neumann-Neudamm; 1983.  107 pp.  Translation of the English by Hildegard Gessner.

            Takayanagi, Yoshio (ed.)   Masterpieces of Bonsai; Tokyo: Shufunotomo Co./Japan Publications; 1986. ISBN 4079743920.   99 pp.  Includes 73 pages of color photos.

NL      Takayanagi, Yoshio (ed.)   De schoonheid van bonsai ; Ede, etc.: Zomer & Keuning; 1987.  99 pp.  Translation of the above by J.H. Wiersma.

FR       Takayanagi, Yoshio and Shizuo Kano (eds.)   Les plus beaux bonsaïs du monde; Québec: Éditions Broquet Inc.; 1989.  95 pp.  Translation of the above.

JA       Takeuchi, Takema   Shōhin bonsai kyōten ; Tōkyō: Jusekisha; 1976.  202 pp.  Illustrated.  USDA

            Takeyama, Fusazō   Zōki bonsai taikan (Masterpieces of Broad-leaf Trees) ; Tōkyō: Seibundō Shinkōsha; 1977.  200 pp.  Illustrations.

JA       Tanaka Kouki   Small Stones for Hobby: from Searching to Appreciation ; 1967.

JA       Tanzawa, Yoshisuke and Shinobu Nozaki   Bonsai no shinkenkyu; 1958.  212 pp.

JA       Tashiro, Yoshi and Keiji Murata   Shohin bonsai hyakka; 1968.  212 pp.

           Tomlinson, Harry   The Complete Book of Bonsai; New York: Abbeville Press, Inc.; 1990. ISBN 0863184847.   ©1990 Dorling Kindersley Limited London.  ISBN 1-55859-118-4.   224 pp.  Seven hundred color photos.

FR      Tomlinson, Harry   Les Bonsaï ; Paris: Solar; 1991.  224 pp.  Translation of the above by Valérie Garnaud-d'Ersu.

DE      Tomlinson, Harry and Horst Stahl   Bonsai: das Handbuch für Praktiker ; Stuttgart: Franckh-Kosmos; 1991.  223 pp.  Translation of the above.

NL      Tomlinson, Harry   Bonsai: het complete handboek ; Ede, etc.: Zomer & Keuning; 1991.  224 pp.  Translation of the above by Marc De Beule.

IT        Tomlinson, Harry   Libro Completo Del Bonsai ; Novara: De Agostini; 1991.   Translation of the above.

ES       Tomlinson, Harry   Bonsai -- La enciclopedia de bolsillo ; Guías de Hogar de RD; 1995.  216 pp.

            Tomlinson, Harry (Contrib. Ed.)   Bonsai: Pleasantville, NY: The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.; 1990, 1995.  ISBN 0-89577-647-2.   216 pp.  Seven hundred color photos.

            Tomlinson, Harry  Bonsai Pocket Encyclopedia ; 1999.  ISBN-10 0751301396 ; ISBN-13 9780751301397.  216 pp.   R.D. Press, 1995.  ISBN-10 0864386869 ; ISBN-13 9780864386861.  216 pp.

NL      Tomlinson, Harry    Het nieuwe bonsai handboek ; Utrecht, etc.: Kosmos-Z&K; 1995.  ISBN-10 9021525291 ; ISBN-13 9789021525297.  216 pp.  Translation of the above by Marc De Beule.

PR      Tomlinson, Harry   O Grande Livro do Bonsai ; Livros e Livros ; 1996.  223 pp.

ZH      Tomlinson, Harry    Pen jing yi shu wan quan zhi nan ; Taibei Shi; 1999.  ISBN 9570337117.   216 pp.  Translation of the above by Nanqin Zhu.  

DE      Tomlinson, Harry   Das BLV Bonsai-Handbuch ; München: BLV; 1998.  ISBN 3-405-14850-2.  Second edition.  215 pp.  Illustrations.

ES       Tomlinson, Harry   Tratado práctico de bonsai ; Omega S.A.; 1991.  ISBN 84-2820898-0.  224 pp.

           Tomlinson, Harry   Bonsai: 101 Essential Tips ; New York: DK Publishing, Inc.; 1996.  ©1996 Dorling Kindersley Limited, London.  ISBN 0-7894-1075-3.  72 pp.  Color photos.

ES       Tomlinson, Harry   101 Puntos Esenciales: Bonsai ; 1996.  Translation of the above by Deni Inclinado.

FR      Tomlinson, Harry   Les bonsaï ; Paris: Ed. Fontaine; 1996.  71 pp.  Translation of the above by Adriana Romosan.

CZ       Tomlinson, Harry   Bonsaje ; Praha: Nakladatelstvá a vydavatelstvá Cesty; 1995.

VI       Tomlinson, Harry and Minh Pham   Bonsai toàn thu ; Ho Chi Minh; 1997.  219 pp.

JA       Toyoshima, Itsuko   Tezukuri bonsai: derakkusu-ban ; Tokyo: Nihon Vogusha; 1983.  ISBN 452901925X.   148 pp.

ZH      Ts'ui, Yü-wên   Chung kuo p'ên ching chi ch'i tsai p'ei ; 1961.  LCC #63000143.  142 pp.  Illustrations.  USDA

JA       Tsuji, Tsuneaki   Mame bonsai ; Osaka: Hoikusha; 1980?  ISBN 4586504943.  151 pp.  "Kara bukkusu" series.

           Tsukiyama, Ted (ed.)   Bonsai of the World, Book I ; Tokyo: World Bonsai Friendship Federation; 1992.  100 pp.  215 color and 65 b&w photos.

           Tucker, Melba   Suiseki & Viewing Stones, An American Perspective ; Flagstaff, AZ: Horizons West; 1996.  48 pp.  Sixty color photos by Peter L. Bloomer.  Original ad. price: $17.95.  USDA   

ES      Tura Bovet, Isabel   Manual Practico Del Bonsai ; Editorial de Vecchi SA; 1998.  ISBN 8431519177.  144 pp.

            Valavanis, William N.   Bonsai Creation & Design Using Propagation Techniques ; Atlanta, GA: Symmes Systems; 1975.  ISBN 0-916352-03-X.  40 pp.  Volume I of the Encyclopedia of Classical Bonsai Art.  Illustrations by Edwin C. Symmes, Jr. from material supplied by the author.  "The original volume 'Propagation techniques used in Bonsai creation' was written for Dr. H.B. Tukey, Jr., professor of Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithica, New York, November 1974."  Original ad. price: $3.95.  USDA

             Valavanis, William N.   Japanese Five-Needle Pine: Nature-Gardens-Bonsai-Taxonomy ; Atlanta, GA: Symmes Systems; 1976.  ISBN 0-916352-04-8 (paper) / 0-916352-05-6 (hardcover)   68 pp.  Four color plates.  Volume II of the Encyclopedia of Classical Bonsai Art.   Original ad. price: $9.95 / $15.00.  USDA

             Valavanis, William N.   Bonsai, Past, Present, Future: Commemorating 30 Years of Bonsai ; Rochester, NY: International Bonsai Arboretum; 1993.  48 pp.  Sixty-one b&w photographs by Dean N. Valavanis and Bill Kramer.  Twenty-seven compositions are shown, most also with two or three pictures of previous stages.

ES         Vergès, Faust  Bonsai: arte japonés ; Barcelona: Ed. Marzo 80; 1979.   ISBN 848572500X.   129 pp.  Illustrations.  USDA

VI         Vo, Van Chi, Tr'an Ho'p and Trinh Minh Tan  Bonsai; H'ô Chi Minh: Khoa hoc va ky thuat; 1993.  173 pp.  Illustrations.

JA        Wada, Bunkichi   Satsuki tsukurino jissai ; Tokyo: Gekkan Satsuki Kenkyusha; 1976.  186 pp.  Illustrated.   USDA

             Walker, Charles Frederick   Miniature Gardens ; London: W.H. & L. Collingridge Ltd.; 1955.  92 pp.  illustrated.  "Amateur Gardening" Handbook No. 13.  Includes a 10-page Chapter 10 by Gwendolyn Anley, "Bonsai, An Introduction to the Japanese Art of Dwarfing."  (Also, 1959 and 1964 editions.)

             Walker, Linda M.   Bonsai ; New York: Drake; London: J. Gifford Ltd.; 1972.  ISBN 0877492565.   128 pp.  USDA

DE       Walther, Hendrick   Ikebana und Bonsai ; Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut.; 1990, 1989.  ISBN 3323002822.  LCC #91117896.   289 pp.  48 pp. color plates.  Unter Mitarbeit von Heidrun Hunger.

ZH/E   Wang, Jie et al   Zhonghua qishi (Strange/Rare stones of China); Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe; 1994.  250 pp.  685 colour illustrations.  Slipcase.  GBP 45.00

ZH       Wang, Yiding and Haizhong Shao  Shan shui yu shu zhuang pen jing zhi zuo ji yi ; Shanghai: Shanghai ke xue ji shu chu ban she: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo jing xiao; 1997.  ISBN-10: 7532342026; ISBN-13: 9787532342020.

ZH       Wang, Yung-yüeh   Shih yung hsiao p'in p'en tsai ; 1977.  LCC #78841027.  144 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH/E    Wang, Zhi Ying  Haipai penjing zaoxing; Shuxin chubanshe; 1990.  ISBN-10: 9575310446 ; ISBN-13: 9789575310448.  184 pp.

ZH/E    Wang, Zhi Ying and Qing Quan Zhao    Shumu Penjing Models ; Tongji University Press; pre-1999.  ISBN 7-5608-0928-6 / 7-5608-1201-5.  Two volume set.

            Webber, Leonard   Bonsai For the Home and Garden ; North Ryde, NSW, Australia: Angus & Robertson Publishers; 1985. ISBN 0-207-15018-4.    98 pp.  Color and b&w photos and line drawings.

            Webber, Len   From Rainforest to Bonsai: Bonsai in Australian Native Plants ; Simon & Schuster, Australia; 1992?

            Wilkinson, Jennifer   Bonsai: Art and Technique ; Melbourne, Vic.: Lothian; 1993.  64 pp.  Illustrations.  Lothian Australian Garden series.

            Wilson, Lois   Miniature Flower Arrangements and Plantings ; Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.; 1963.  ASIN: B00005WGET.  181 pp.  31 color photos, 104 b&w photos.

ZH       Wu, Shihua and Zhao Qingquan   Techniques of Chinese Penjing Creation; 1988.

ZH/E    Wu, Yee-Sun    Man Lung Garden Artistic Pot Plants ; Hong Kong: Wing-Lung Bank Ltd.; First published June 1969, 210 pp. with 212 b&w and fifteen color photos.  USDA

ZH/E    Wu, Yee-Sun    Man Lung Artistic Pot Plants; Hong Kong: Wing-Lung Bank Ltd.; June 1974.  Enlarged second edition. 353 pp. with first 215 photos b&w and #216-302 color of Chinese pot plants, miniature rock gardens and elaborate stands; #303-337 b&w of viewing stones; and #338-355 color of viewing stones with trees and other plants upon.  USDA

ZH       Wu, Yuxia Lai and Yongweng Chen   Zhongguo pen jing qi shi: jia ting pen jing qi shi gong 260 pen (Chinese bonsai Stone: family bonsai Stone a total of 260 pots) ; Wentai tushushe, 1984.  184 pp.

ZH        Xu, Xiaobai and Zhang Renlong and Zhao Qingquan   Penjing ; Beijing: China Construction Industry Publishing; 1981.  LCC #82123445.  232 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH        Xu, Xiaobai and Wu Shihua and Zhao Qingquan   Chinese Penjing; 1985.

JA/E     Yamada, Kamajiro and Tomio Yamada   Bonsai -- Beauty and Harmony -- Masterpieces from the Seikoen Collection ; Tokyo: Seibundō-Shinkōsha Publishing Co., Ltd.; 1982. (1972?)  350 pp.  217 color photos.  Large format with slipcase.  Original ad. price: ¥68,000 / US $298.00

JA        Yamada, Kamajiro and Tomio Yamada   Yoseue, ishitsuki bonsai ; Shufuno Tomosha, 1980.  207 pp.

JA        Yamaguchi, Hiroshi   Satsuki bonsai gijyutsu taikan ; Tōkyō: Gendai Kikaku Shitsu; 1978.  217 pp.  Illustrations.   USDA

JA        Yamanaka, Kazuki   The seven tree and seven story; pre-1999.

             Yanagisawa, Soen   Tray Landscapes (Bonkei and Bonseki); Tokyo: Japan Travel Bureau; 1955, 1956, 1962, 1966.  5th edition.  LCC #62-19637.   193 pp.  Small format.  Five color and 154 b&w photos, fourteen woodcuts.  Tourist Library Vol. 19.  USDA

             Yashiroda, Kan   Bonsai, Japanese Miniature Trees -- Their Style, Culture and Training ; Newton, MA: C.T. Branford Co./London: Faber and Faber; 1960.  166 pp., followed by 49 pp. of 117 b&w photos, some by Kyuzo Murata and four others.  USDA

             Yashiroda, Kan (ed.)   Handbook on Bonsai: Special Techniques; Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden; 1956, 1984, 1989.  ISBN 0-945352-02-6.   89 pp.  #51.  Twenty color and b&w photos and drawings.   Original ad. price: $1.25

             Yashiroda, Kan (ed.)   Handbook on Dwarfed Potted Trees: The Bonsai of Japan ; Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Botanic Garden; 1953, revised 1959.  ISBN 0-945352-17-4.  96 pp.  #13.  Ninety-five b&w photos and over two dozen line drawings.  This was a special revised edition of Plants & Garden, Vol. 9, No. 3.  This was the first mass-produced booklet on the subject in English. Thirty-eighth printing, Nov. 1988.

KO       Yi, Myon-gun   Han'guk pijang sokpo; Osong Ch'ulp'ansa; 1992.

KO       Yi, Myon-gun   Han'guk ui susok sanji: sanji mada t'uksaek innun mi konggae pijangsok kamsang ; Osong Ch'ulp'ansa; 1989.  Cover title: Wonsaek Han'guk ui susok sanji.

KO       Yi, Myon-gun   Saeroun punjae paekkwa ; Soul T'ukpyolsi: Taeu Ch'ulp'ansa; 1982.  LCC #83217878.  266 pp.  Illustrations.

KO       Yi, Myon-gun   Susok mi ui t'amgu: tongyang p'ungnyu ui susok paekkwa ; Soul T'ukpyolsi: Taeu Ch'ulp'ansa; 1982.

KO       Yi, Myon-gun   Taehan Min'guk yumyong susok taebo ; Osong Ch'ulp'ansa; 1992.

JA        Yokota, Masayuki   Bonsai tsurezuregusa ; 1977.  LCC #77814137.  234 pp.  Illustrations .  See the reference.

JA        Yoneda, Kazuo   Yasashi bonsai no shitatekata: jushubetsu shiki no kanri ; Tokyo: Nagaoka Shoten; 1977.  214 pp.

             Yonahara, Roy   Bonsai; Honolulu, Hawaii: Dept. of Public Instruction, Agricultural Education Service; 1960.  OCLC: 16343608.  ASIN: B0007G544O.

JA        Yoshida, Yoshiaki   Shōhaku bonsai ; Tokyo: Takahashi Shoten; 1975.  255 pp.

JA        Yoshimura, Kin'ichi   Zoki bonsai ; Shufu no Tomosha; 1980.  206 pp.

JA        Yoshimura, Kin'ichi and Arishige Matsuura   Nihon suiseki meihin taikan (Comprehensive catalog of masterpieces of Japanese suiseki) ; Tōkyō: Kōdansha; 1988.   ISBN 4062040050.  291 pp.  Illustrations.

             Yoshimura, Yuji   Bonsai Album: In Memory of Six Years in New York ; New York: Yoshimura Bonsai Co.; 1966.  50 pp.  USDA

             Yoshimura, Yuji   Bonsai. What? Why? How?; NY: Yoshimura Bonsai Company, Inc.; 1960.

             Yoshimura, Yuji   Commemorative Album: The Muriel R. Leeds Collection ; Briarcliff Manor, NY: Yoshimura School of Bonsai; 1977.  64 pp.  Limited edition of 500 copies.  Edited by Edwin C. Symmes, Jr.  Three color photos and cover, 116 b&w photos, and eight line drawings.  Photos by Yoshimura and Leeds.  USDA

             Yoshimura, Yuji and Giovanna M. Halford   The Japanese Art of Miniature Trees and Landscapes: Their Creation, Care, and Enjoyment; Rutland, VT and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co.; 1957.  LCC #57-8794.  ISBN 0804802823.  220 pp.  Twenty-five color, 245 b&w photos and illustrations.  First real comprehensive and practical book in English on bonsai.  Still holds up -- the thirty-seventh printing was made in 2000.   USDA

             Yoshimura, Yuji and Giovanna M. Halford   The Art of Bonsai: Creation, Care, and Enjoyment ; Rutland, VT and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co.; 1996.  200 pp.  Twenty-five color, 247 b&w photos and 41 illustrations.  New edition of above.  Original cover price: $19.95

ZH        You, Chongkui   Pen zai da quan ; Yuan yi shi jie za zhi she ; 1995.  ISBN 9579294089.

ZH/E    Youde, Zhao (ed.)   The Essence of the Second China Appreciation Stone Exhibition ; China; 1996.  Color photos.

ZH/KO   Youn Doo Chun  Natural Stone Catalog ; Chang Joon Geun Publisher, Privately published; 1986.  135 pp.  Illustrated.

             Young, Dorothy   Bonsai, The Art and Technique; Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.; 1985.  423 pp.  210 b&w photos and numerous drawings.  Original ad. price: $29.95

ZH       Yu Rong   Qishi shangwan (The appreciation and enjoyment of strange stones); Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe; 1994.

ZH       Yu Yun and Xia Rong Yao   Lingnan Penjing Jia Zuo Shang Zhe (Appreciation of Outstanding Lingnan Penjing) ; Guandong Technical Publisher; 1998.  128 pp.

KO      Yun, Kuk-pyong   Punjae paekkwa; 1975.  LCC #79827527.  364 pp.  Illustrations.

             Zane, Thomas L.   Introduction to Bonsai -- A Course Syllabus; Oakdale, CT; 1988.  106 pp.

             Zane, Thomas L.   Guide to Successful Bonsai Presentations and Guide for Successful Bonsai Workshops ; American Bonsai Society Publications; pre-1999.

ZH       Zeng, Xianye   Shu mu pen jing zao xing yang hu yu xin shang ; Beijing shi; 1999.  133 pp.

JA        Zenkoku Ishi no Shumi Kai   Nihon aiseki zukan (Illustrated collection of Japanese suiseki, miniature landscape rocks) ; Tōkyō: Tokuma Shoten; 1964.  232 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH        Zhang, Benyi and Wu Guorong   Suzhou pen jing ; Nanjing shi; 1981.  LCC #82130028.  115 p.  Illustrations.

ZH        Zhang, Fengrong and Guo Yumei   Xiao pin pen zai ; Taibei Shi; 1985?  LCC #85219126.  190 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH        Zhang, Hongping    Pen zai hua hui ; Chengdu: Sichuan ke xue ji shu chu ban she; 1999.  147 pp.  Illustrations.   USDA

ZH        Zhang, Yingqin and Jiang Bofeng   Zhonghua yi shu pen zai ; Taizhong Shi; 1980.  LCC #84163986.  400 pp.  Illustrations.

ZH        Zhao, Qingquan   The Art of Penjing Creation, an analysis; 1989.

ZH        Zhao, Qingquan   Zhongguo pen jing, zao xing yishu fen xi (Chinese Penjing and Its Analysis); Taibei: Du Jia Publisher; 1992.  ISBN 9576230837.  LCC #93115568.  173 pp.  Illustrations.  Preface and summary also in English.

             Zhao, Qingquan   Penjing: Worlds of Wonderment, A Journey Exploring an Ancient Chinese Art and Its History, Cultural Background, and Aesthetics ; Athens, GA: Venus Communications; 1997.  144 pp.  244 color photos and 18 line drawings.  Translated and edited by Karin Albert.  Photographs by Zhao, Huang Le, Wang Hongjun, Karin Albert, Karekin Goekjian.  Foreword by Xu Xiaobai, president of Chinese Penjing Artists' Assoc., Nanjing.

ZH       Zhou, Tang   Shipu (Stone compendium); Beijing: Zijincheng chubanshe; 1987.

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