for the Development of Magical Miniature Landscapes,
NOTES  (Cont.)

© 2005-2025  Robert J. Baran
All Rights Reserved.

Up to Year 1
1 to 899
900 to 1499
1500 to 1799
1800 to 1999
2000 to present

Baran, Robert J.  "A Suggested Timeline for the Development of Magical Miniature Landscapes,"
http://www.magiminiland.org/BigPicture/Timeline4b.html, version dated 23 February 2025.


YEAR 1800 to 1999 C.E.

(320)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Paintings/China1644to1911.html.
(321)   Toshihiro, Yonetami  "Wiring,"
Bonsai Today, No. 1, May-June 1989, pg. 20; Chan, Peter  Bonsai Secrets (Pleasantville, NY: The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.), pg. 115; Koreshoff, pp. 81-83; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Bertin.html.
(322)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Main.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Livingstone.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Horticulturist1847.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Fortune.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Hickok.html.
(323)   Stuart in Mowry, pg. 92, and Mowry, pg. 184.
(324)   Simonyi, Tom per English translation from a Chinese colleague, posted 02 Jun 2010, http://ibonsaiclub.forumotion.com/t3190-excerpt-from-the-poet-gong-zizhen-1792-1841#31784.
(325)   Naka,
BT II, pp. 306, 322; Katayama, pg. 20.
(326)   Goodrich, L. Carrington and Nigel Cameron 
The Face of China As Seen by Photographers & Travelers, 1860-1912 (New York: Aperture, Inc.; 1978), pg. 149; "Famine"; Yang, Dennis Tao  "China's Agricultural Crisis and Famine of 1959-1961: A Survey and Comparison to Soviet Famines," Comparative Economic Studies (2008) 50, 1-29. doi:10.1057/ces.2008.4.
(327)   Redding, "Art of the Mud Man"; Aradi, Peter "Visiting with the Masters -- Zhao Qingquan,"
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 36, No. 1, Spring 2002, pp. 32-33.
(328)   Wu, Yee-Sun  
Man Lung Garden Artistic Pot Plants (Hong Kong: Wing-Lung Bank Ltd., 1969), pg. 63.
(329)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Paintings/China1644to1911.html.
(330)   "Taiwan under Japanese rule," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan_under_Japanese_occupation.
(331)   Koreshoff, pg. 7-8; Naka, John  "Bunjin-Gi or Bunjin Bonsai,"Bonsai in California, 1989, Vol. 23, pg. 48; Covello and Yoshimura, pg. 25; Toru, Yoda, "Bonsai as Miniscule Garden," 2022.
(332)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Books/18001849.html; "Japanese 'Penjing' From an 1826 [sic] Book" by Bonsai Penjing & More, October 7, 2016.
(333)   Nozaki, pp. 25-26; O'Connell, Jean  "The Art of Bonsai,"
Science Digest, March 1970, pg. 38; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/GC1875.html; Lind, Gunter  "Art and Kimura," http://www.bonsaipots.net/index.php?page=art-and-kimura.
(334)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Books/18001849.html.
(335a)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Paintings/Japan1800to1868.html.
(335b)   Yamada, Kamajiro "Present Day Literati Bonsai,"
International Bonsai, Winter/81, pg. 14.
(336)   Yamada, Tomio "Fundamentals of Wiring Bonsai,"
International Bonsai, IBA, 2005/No. 4, pg. 10-11; Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History," "Chapter II. First Shimpaku: 'Ishizuchi Shimpaku'," http://web.archive.org/web/20040617055328/www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim2.shtml; Hill, Warren "Reflections on Japan," NBF Bulletin, Winter 2000, Vol. XI, No. 2, pg. 5; Peter Ben Facebook post June 24, 2002, partially based on Wikipedia article "Emperor Meiji" in FB Messenger response to RJB question.
(337)   Nozaki, pg. 43; Koreshoff, pg. 8; Donovan, Earl H.  "The Spirit of Bunjin," Bonsai Journal, American Bonsai Society, Vol. 12, No. 2, Summer 1978, pg. 30; Toru, Yoda, "Bonsai as Miniscule Garden," 2022.
(338)   Nozaki, pg. 26; Hill, pg. 5.
(339)   Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History," "Chapter I. Discovery of Shimpaku," http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim1.shtml, http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 20.
(340)   Yanagisawa, pp. 79-81; Hirota, Jozan 
Bonkei, Tray Landscapes (Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1970), pp. 24-28; Koehn, pg. 2.
(341)   Nippon Bonsai Association, pg. 153; "Lich su bonsai," a Vietnamese article that contains a lot of unacknowledged material from RJB's researches but also some info we hadn't come across before; Ōkuma, Toshiyuki  "The Meaning of Bonsai: Tradition and the Japanese Aesthetic," 2010.
(342)   Nozaki, pg. 24; Itoh, Yoshimi  "Bonsai Origins,"
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1969, pg. 3, Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History, Chapter I, Discovery of Shimpaku," http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim1.shtml.
(343)   "Suiseki: A World of Understated Beauty within Natural Stone," NHK World on Demand: Core Kyoto, broadcast on-line on January 20, 2016.
(344a)   Nippon Bonsai Association, pg. 153.
(344b)   Okimoto, Takashi "Nishiki Black Pine, Special Features and Varieties,"
International Bonsai, Winter/80, pg. 11.
(345)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Paintings/Japan1869to1912.html.
(346a)   Yamanaka & Co. 1899 auction catalog, pp. 16, 17, 19, 28, 31, 33, 34, 42, 45, 49, 56, 58, 64, 71, 76, 84; American Art Association, Auction Catalog, pp. 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 53, 54, 57, 58, 62, 65, 66, 70, 73, 74, 77, 78, 81, 82, 85, 86, 90, 94, 97, 98.
(346b)   Del Tredici, Peter  "From Temple to Terrace, The Remarkable Journey of the Oldest Bonsai in America" (Jamaica, MA: Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University:
Arnoldia 64/2-3, 2006), pg. 14.
(347)   Phan, pp. 54-55.
(348)   http://www.magiminiland.org/BigPicture/InEngland.html.
(349)   Needham, Joseph and Tsuen-Hsuin Tsien, Gwei-Djen Lu, T. Tsuen-Hsuin, Hsing-Tsung Huang, Dieter Kuhn, Francesca Bray, Christian Daniels, Nicholas K Menzies, Christoph Harbsmeier, Nathan Sivin, Peter J Golas 
Science and Civilization in China, Vol. VI:1, Botany (Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 22-23.
(350)   Jellicoe (eds.), pp. 596-597; Woods and Warren, pg. 130.
(351)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Mitchell.html.
(352)   Pessy, Christian and Rémy Samson  
Bonsai Basics, A Step-by-Step Guide to Growing, Training & General Care (New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.; 1992), pg. 16; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Maury.html.
(353)   Jellicoe (eds.), pg. 558; Crowder and Ashworth, pg. 29.
(354)   Phan, pg. 58.
(355)   Goldstein, pg. 5.
(356)   Goodrich, pg. 149.
(357)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Robbins.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Bailey.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/Cedar.html.
(358)   Wutthithumrong's article; Titley and Wood, pg. 124.
(359)   Tsukiyama, Ted  "BCI 2000 Hawaii,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, January/February 2000, pg. 11.
(360a)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1800Refs/American.html.
(360b)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayc.html, May 23.
(361)   Naka,
BT II, pg. 322; Katayama, pg. 20.
(362)   "Advancement of the Art of Bonsai in Taiwan," IBC posting by jrodriguez on Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:27 pm, http://tinyurl.com/ko8zrc.
(363)   Mowry, pg. 115.
(364)   Koreshoff, pg. 6.
(365)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Pre1945Biblio.html.
(366)   Albert-Shue, Karin  "Penjing, An Art Revitalized,"
International Bonsai, IBA, 1987/No. 2, pg. 14.

(367)   "Taiwan," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan; Fukumoto, David W.  "China: Stepping Back Into Bonsai's Past," Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 15, No. 3, Winter 1981, pg. 70.
(368)   Naka,
BT II, pg. 322.
(369)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMay.html, May 1; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJanc.html, Jan 30. http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMarb.html, March 15.
(370)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNovb.html, November 15; Hrdlickovi, V.aZ., pg. 20.
(371)   Eshom, Enid Parks  "A Glimpse of China,"
Bonsai, BCI, Vol. XXI, No. 4, May 1982, pg. 125.
(372)   "Famine"; "Great Leap Forward"; Yang,  "China's Agricultural Crisis and Famine of 1959-1961."
(373a)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMay.html, May 1.
(373b)   Richardson, S.D. 
Forestry in Communist China (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Press; 1966), pg. 155.
(374)   Davis, Rosalie H. "A Gift From the East,"
Horticulture, August 1987, pg. 51; Chan, Bonsai Secrets, pg. 15; Eshom's article, pg. 125; Roberts, pp. 278-284; See also the 35th (?) paragraph (about 2/3 of the way down) in this SHOW transcript and the fifth and sixth paragraphs here, which was also published as an article in Bonsai, BCI, Vol. 41, No. 4, July/August 2002, pp. 33-36; Aradi's article, pp. 32-33; Fukumoto's "China: Stepping Back" article, pg. 70; Fukumoto, David  "Yee-Sun Wu: The Spirit of Man Lung Penjing!," Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. 41, No. 4, July/August 2002, pg. 33; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMay.html, May 1.
(375)   Mowry, pp. 115, 170-171, 206.
(376)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 11; Fukumoto's "Yee-Sun Wu" article, pg. 33.
(377)   Albert-Shue, pg. 15.
(378)   Trager, pg. 1059; Lem, Don  "A Summer of Chinese Bonsai,"
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 13, No. 3, Fall 1979, pg. 53.
(379)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysApr.html, April 1; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMay.html, "Also this month"; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNovb.html", November 15; Lem's article, pg. 55; Eshom's article, pg. 125.
(380)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysOctc.html, "Also this month"; Eshom's article, pg. 125.
(381)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Stamps.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDec.html, December 4; Aradi's article, pg. 33; Fukumoto's "Stepping Back" article, pg. 70.
(382)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 20.
(383)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSepc.html, September 25.
(384)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysOct.html, October 5.
(385)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysAprb.html, April 20.
(386)   Elias, Tom  "Viewing Stones or Gongshi," April 2013.
(387)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJanc.html, January 27.
(388)   http://bonsaiart.co.uk/websites/taiwan-bonsai-creator-association/.
(389)   "Min-Hsuan Lo,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, January/February/March 2005, pg. 24.
(390)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1900Refs/DuCane.html; Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History," "Chapter I. Discovery of Shimpaku," http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim1.shtml; Maumerné
[sic], Albert  "The Japanese Dwarf Trees: Their Cultivation in Japan and Their Use and Treatment in Europe," Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, January 1908, 33(1): 57-58, 63.
(391)   Nippon Bonsai Association, pg. 153.

(392)   Koreshoff, pp. 8-9.
(393)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Magazines.html.
(394)   Collins, Percy  "The Dwarf-Tree Culture of Japan,"
Windsor Magazine, October 1907, pg. 540; Kobayashi, Kunio  Bonsai (PIE International; 2011), pg. 17.
(395)   http://www.magiminiland.org/1900Refs/DuCane.html; Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History," "Chapter III. Collecting Ishizuchi Shimpaku," http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim3.shtml.
(396)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Books/19001949.html; Yamada, pg. 10; Bjorholm, pg. 29.
(397)   Terry, Thomas Philip, F.R.G.S. 
Terry's Japanese Empire (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1914) pg. 168; Pessy and Samson, pg. 17; Jellicoe (eds.), pg. 296; Moore and Atherton, "Shrine Forests."
(398)   Koreshoff, pg. 242; Yamada, K. "Present Day Literati Bonsai," pp. 14-15.
Murata Keiji in his book How to Place and Display Suiseki (1966), per Elias, Thomas S. and Hiromi Nakaoji, "The Role of Trays in Viewing Stone Displays, Part 1,", VANA, March, 2021
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 2, No. 1, pg. 17; Yamada, pg. 10-11.
(400)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSep.html, September 1; Moore and Atherton, "Shrine Forests."
(401)   Koreshoff, pg. 10; Oct Also, http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysOctc.html.
(402)   "The artistic beauty of pots," translated by Peter Warren fron Kinbon magazine article,
Bonsai Focus, 130/107, 6/2010, Nov/Dec, pg. 57.
(403)   "Old Juniper,"
New Yorker, November 7, 1970, pp. 38.
(404)   Kuitert, pp. 130-133.
(405)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSepb.html, September 13.
(406)   Koreshoff, pp. 242-243.
(407)   Nozaki, pp. 6, 96.
(408)   Nippon Bonsai Association, pg. 154; Hill, pg. 5; "The Home Islands Ablaze," http://www.usaaf.net/ww2/hittinghome/hittinghomepg9.htm; "Bombing of Tokyo," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firebombing_of_Tokyo; Carr, pp. ix, xii; Chan,
Bonsai, pg. 119; "Kuomintang," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuomintang. (409)   Hirota, Jozan  Bonkei, Tray Landscapes (Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd.; 1970), duskjacket notes.
(410)   Tucker, John A., pg. 179; Moore and Atherton, "Shrine Forests."
(411)   Murata, Kenji 
Practical Bonsai For Beginners (New York and Tokyo: Japan Publications Trading Co.; 1964), dustjacket notes.
(412)   http://www.suiseki-assn.gr.jp/enkakuE.html.
(413)   Perry, Lynn R. 
Bonsai: Trees and Shrubs, A Guide to the Methods of Kyuzo Murata (New York: The Ronald Press Company; 1964), pg. 71; Kiku display ad, International Bonsai, IBA, 2007/No. 4, back cover.
(414)   Koreshoff, pg. 10.
(415)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysFebb.html, February 11; Yamada, "Present Day Literati Bonsai," pg. 14.
(416)   http://www.magiminiland.org/KMurata.html.
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, November/December 1992, pg. 46.
(418)   Young, Dorothy S. "Bonsai's Top Show,"
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Spring 1970, pp. 3-4; Avery, George S. "'Fudo' Comes to America," Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1971, pp. 3-5.
(419)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDec.html, December 9.
(420)   Elias, Thomas S. "The Best Bonsai and Suiseki Exhibits in Japan,"
Bonsai, BCI, May/June 2002, pg. 12.
International Bonsai, IBA, Winter/80, pg. 25; Yamanaka, Kazuki  "The Shimpaku Juniper: Its Secret History," "Chapter VIII. Supply Diminished, Dangers Increased," http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/shimpaku/shim8.shtml.
(422)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysAprb.html, April 19; Chan,
Bonsai, pg. 119-120.
(423)   Valavanis, William N. "The Second Grandview Bonsai Exhibition,"
International Bonsai, IBA, 1983/No. 1, pg. 12.
(424)   Moore and Atherton, "Shrine Forests; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMarc.html, March 31; Lind, http://www.bonsaipots.net/index.php?page=art-and-kimura.
(425)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMar.html, March 2. (426)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysApr.html, April 6.
Bonsai Today, No. 27, pg. 4; "Profiles Of The Stars At IBC '94, Part II," Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, July/August 1994, pg. 16; "History," Nippon Suiseki Association, http://www.suiseki-assn.gr.jp/en/history.html.
(428)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJan.html, January 4.
(429)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 14; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJulc.html, July 25; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDecb.html, Dec 11; http://www.magiminiland.org/JYNBioSK2.html#Hatsuji; http://www.bonsaiartists.co.uk/eInformer/November2007.pdf, pg. 4.
(430)   Del Tredici, pg. 13; Padrini, Chiara  "The Suseok," pg. 42.
(431)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMay.html, May 4.
(432)   http://www.magiminiland.org/HachiNoKi.html.
(433a)   Collins, "The Dwarf-Tree Culture of Japan," pp. 544-545.
(433b)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMar.html, Mar 5.
(434)   Chidamian, Claude 
Bonsai -- Miniature Trees, Their Selection, Culture and Care (New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc.; 1955), pg. 49; Taylor, Norman (ed.)  Taylor's Encyclopedia of Gardening (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1961. Fourth edition.), pp. 997-998.
(435)   Stuart in Mowry, pp. 85, 104 note 1.
(436)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysAug.html, August 3; "Forest of Odd Dwarf Trees Grown by 'Surgery'," 
Popular Science Monthly, July 1929, pg. 63.
(437)   Samson, Isabelle and Rémy Samson  
The Creative Art of Bonsai (London: Ward Lock Ltd.; 1986), pg. 11; Stein, pg. 9, note 5 on pg. 276, and b&w Fig. 5 on pg. 8.
(438)   "Bonsai in Australia," http://www.botanicalbookshop.com.au/book.asp?ISBN=9780908175635; "Koreshoff Bonsai Nursery - NOW CLOSED," http://www.bonsaishoponline.com/bia/country/au_nsw/koreshoff-bonsai-nursery.shtml.
(439)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysApr.html, April 13.
(440)   Nippon Bonsai Association, pg. 154.
(441)   http://www.magiminiland.org/BoldlyGrow1.html.
(442)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysOct.html, October 15; Allen, James Paul and Eugene James Turner 
We the People, An Atlas of America's Ethnic Diversity (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company; 1988), pg. 182; Eaton, Allen H.  Beauty Behind Barbed Wire (New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers; 1952), pp. 7, 96, 175, 190; Bridgwater, pg. 913; Tsukiyama's article, pg. 11.
(443)   Stein, pp. 13, 277. See detailed descriptions pp. 13-23 of over a dozen pagoda miniature landscapes.
(444)   Ferguson, Paul  "How They Got Started,"
Bonsai in California, Vol. 23, 1989, pp. 40-41.'s article, pg. 40
(445)   "Getting Started in the Nursery Business," Virginia Tech, http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/nursery/430-050/430-050.html; "Above Ground Container Production," Washington State University, http://gardencenternursery.wsu.edu/container/AboveGroundContainerProduction.htm.
(446)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Books/19001949.html. League mentioned on pg. 45.
(447)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMar.html, March 3; http://www.phoenixbonsai.com/Days/DaysApr.html April 20; Hall, Doug and Don Black 
The South African Bonsai Book (Cape Town: Howard Timmons Publishers, Ltd.; 1976, 1983), pg. 17.
(448)   "Above Ground Container Production," Washington State University, http://gardencenternursery.wsu.edu/container/AboveGroundContainerProduction.htm; Nursery Supplies, Inc. 2006 Full Line Product Catalog, http://www.nurserysupplies.com/pdf/2006%20BROCHURE.pdf, pg. 2.
(450)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysAug.html, August 3.
(451)   "Adventures of Bonsai in Russia," http://www.bonsai.ru/history-rus.html, BabelFish translation 9/14/2004 and 10/17/2007.
(452)   http://www.magiminiland.org/YY.html; Yoshimura, Yuji "Bunjin-Gi,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. XXVII, No. 6, November/December 1988, pg. 3; Valavanis, William N. "Yuji Yoshimura, A Memorial Tribute To A Bonsai Master & Pioneer," International Bonsai, 1998/No. 1, pg. 43; Naka, Bonsai Techniques (Santa Monica, CA: published for the Bonsai Institute of California by Dennis-Landman; 1973, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991), pg. 258.
(453)   Hall and Black, pg. 17; Green, Ruth "The Twelfth Ohio Regional Bonsai Exhibit, Dawes Arborteum,"
Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring 1993, pp. 21, 35; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJul.html, Jul 10; Padrini, Chiara  "The Suseok," pg. 42.
(454)   Burgess, Robert  "Notes From the First British Bonsai Convention,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. XXI, No. 1, January/February 1982, pg. 12.
(455)   + Chan, 
Bonsai (1985), pp. 164-165.
(456)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysFebc.html, February 28; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDecb.html, December 11; Yeager, Ray "Suiseki Before Aiseki Kai," Part 2, California Aiseki Kai Newsletter, June 2007, pg. 1.
(457)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayc.html, May 26.
(458)   Ann Richardson personal e-mail to RJB, July 18, 2002; Banting, Donna "A Day at the Huntington with Ben Oki,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, January/February 2001, pp. 21, 23, which stated that the year was 1966.
(459)   Manning, Cheryl  "John's California Bonsai Society," NABF Newsletter #1, http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/nabf/newsletter1/1d.htm.
(460)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJunb.html, June 15; Avery's article.
(461)   Creech, Dr. John 
The Bonsai Saga, How the Bicentennial Collection Came to America (Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Arboretum; 2001), pg. 11.
(462)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSepb.html, September 15. http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNovc.html, "Also this month"; Picella, Gianni  "A History of Italian Bonsai,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, May/June 2000, pg. 12.
(463)   Barrett, Jim  "A New Bonsai Product Evaluation 'Anodized Aluminum Wire,'"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Apr 1976, Vol. XV, No. 3, pg. 86.
(464)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJul.html, July 9; http://www.bonsaivenezuela.com/quienessomos.htm; http://www.bonsai.ru/articles/istoki.html, BabelFish translation 9/14/2004 and 10/17/2007; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNovc.html, Nov 26.
(465)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysFebc.html, February 25; http://www.elandangardens.com/museum/dan.htm; "About the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens," NABF Newsletter #2, Feature #3, http://www.bonsai-wbff.org/nabf/newsletter2/flmorikami.htm; "The Morikama"
[sic], Bonsai Journal, ABS, Vol. 11, No. 4, Winter 1978, pg. 93; Scutcher, Ann  "The fruits of my labour," Bonsai Focus, 6/2008, Nov/Dec, #118, pg. 34.
(466)   "WOBA,"
ABStracts, ABS, Vol. 8, No. 5-6, November/December 1980, pg. 4.
(467)   http://www.magiminiland.org/StampsThai.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSepc.html, September 26;
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. XXI, No. 1, January/February 1982, pg. 28; Banting, Donna S., "President's Message," Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Vol. XXVI, No. 6, November/December 1987, pg. 6; "Indian Bonsai Association -- Association," http://web.archive.org/web/20150304074621/http://www.bonsai-in-asia.com/.
(468)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJunb.html, June 20, 22, and 30; Mahoney, Hal "The Art of Penjing Miniature Landscapes From China,"
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, Nov/Dec 1989, Vol. XXVIII, No. 6, pp. 13-15.
Nichin Bonsai, 3-2003, pg. 1; http://www.magiminiland.org/Conventions.html.
(470)   "The National Bonsai Collection of Scotland," http://www.scottishbonsai.org/National%20Collection.htm; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNovc.html, Nov 26.
(471)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Magazines.html; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysOct.html", October 7; "Short Takes,"
ABStracts, ABS, Vol. 18, No. 1, February 1990, pg. 2.
(472)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysFebc.html, February 21;
Nichin Bonsai, 3-2003, pg. 1.
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, March/April 1993, pg. 50; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysAug.html, August 3; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJulc.html, "Also this month"; Scutcher, pg. 34.
(474)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysApr.html, April 9;
Bonsai Magazine, BCI, March/April 1993, pg. 50; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 19.
(475)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNov.html, November 5; Zane, Thomas L.  "BSF Exhibit of Bonsai at EPCOT," http://www.bonsai-bsf.com/epcot_process.htm.
(476)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJunc.html, Jun Also.
(477)   "The History of IBS," http://www.collegioibs.it/home.htm/storia.html; https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/nc-expo-cancelled-indefinitely.53477/, Bonsai Nut, Jan 4, 2022.
(478)   http://www.bonsai-slovakia.sk/1997.htm; http://www.aquatechnobel.be/pub/noelanders_trophy_01.htm; Top 5 Transformative Bonsai Books Podcast by Ryan Neil, July 26, 2023;
(479)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayc.html, May Also.
(480)   Roche, D.M. "Oakland's Bonsai Park -- Life and Death among Little Trees," New California Media Online, January 14, 2000, http://www.ncmonline.com/arts-and-culture/2000-01-14/bonsai.html; http://www.australia-in-pictures.com/brisbane_botanic_gardens6/index.htm.
(481)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJanb.html, January 15, 26 and 30; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysFebb.html, February 15, 19, and 22; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMarb.html, March 12 and 26; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 15; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJunc.html, June 25; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysJul.html, July 1, 8, 12, and 20; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysSep.html, September 1, 3, and 9; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNov.html, November 7, 9, 11, 12, 22, 26, and 27; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDecb.html, December 13 and 29.

YEAR 2000 to present

(482)   "HKBU's unique Penjing garden opens to public," www.hkbu.edu.hk/~cpro/enews2005/20050224a.htm.
(483)   Aradi's article, pp. 33-34.
(484)   "Art of Bonsai Profile: Masahiko Kimura," http://www.artofbonsai.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=942.
(485)   Gilbert, Paul  "Musings From China,"
Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society Newsletter, November 2010, pg. 2.
(486)   Gajah, Iwan interviewing Budi Sulistyo in "The Emperor Bonsai Southeast Asia," bursabonsai.com, 11 June 2013, http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-bonsai-southeast-asia/.
(487)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/Days/DaysDec.html, December 7.
(488)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/Days/DaysAprc.html, April Also.
(489)   Chandler, Stacy "Tokyo garden displays the best of Japan's miniature bonsai trees," http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ours/pr_99/pe070700.htm.
(490)   Kawashima, Ken "Bonsai Regeneration: Youth Cultivates the classic art of bonsai," asahi.com, http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~ours/pr_99/pe070700.htm, accessed 08/22/02.
(491)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMarc.html, March 28; Moore and Atherton, "Shrine Forests.
(492)   Gajah, Iwan interviewing Budi Sulistyo in "The Emperor Bonsai Southeast Asia," bursabonsai.com, 11 June 2013, http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-bonsai-southeast-asia/; Gajah, Iwan interviewing William Valavanis in "The Emperor Classical Bonsai Art," bursabonsai.com, 20 June 2013, http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-classical-bonsai-art/.
(493)   ABBA web site, "First Symposium & Exhibition," http://bonsai.bogus.net/sym081000c.htm; http://www.willowbog-bonsai.co.uk/News/NoelandersPreSelection.asp; http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysDecc.html, December Also.
(494)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysMar.html, March 4; "Winners of the First North American Bonsai Pot Competition, http://www.bonsai-nbf.org/nbf/potcomp2001/potterywinners.htm.
(495)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/DaysNov.html, November 5.
(496)   Raver "A pared-down look for waist-high gardens"
(497)   http://www.wildbonsai.com/pbsi2004.htm.
(498)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/Days/DaysMayb.html, May 14; tuyhoabob in postings to Internet Bonsai Club Forum, 15 and 16 Jan 2011, http://ibonsaiclub.forumotion.com/t5314-bonsai-in-vietnam-some-insight.
(499)   Gajah, Iwan interviewing Budi Sulistyo in "The Emperor Bonsai Southeast Asia," bursabonsai.com, 11 June 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20130613082001/http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-bonsai-southeast-asia/; Gajah, Iwan interviewing Walter Pall in "The Emperor Bonsai Europe," bursabonsai.com, 8 June 2013, https://web.archive.org/web/20130613082715/http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-of-bonsai-europe/; Gajah, Iwan interviewing William Valavanis in "The Emperor Classical Bonsai Art," bursabonsai.com, 20 June 2013, http://www.bursabonsai.com/the-emperor-classical-bonsai-art/.
(500)   Robert Steven in 09 May 2013 comment posting in "BCI - Bonsai Strong," bonsai bark.com, 30 April 2013, http://bonsaibark.com/2013/04/30/bci-bonsai-strong/.
(501)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/Days/DaysMay.html, May 2.
(502)   http://www.magiminiland.org/Days/Days/DaysSepc.html, September 25; "What is Black Scissors?", as of 17 Dec 2015 update.

Up to Year 1

1 to 899

900 to 1499

1500 to 1799

1800 to 1999

2000 to present



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